
Here's the problem: Everyone's at least a year behind on the iPad. This means when their iPad equivalent launches, the next iPad is around the corner with likely retina display, facetime, etc.

@BGR: Uh

@Master_Soda: itunes accounts were hacked. Big difference.


I guess AirVideo isn't good enough?

@D.LYTE: What's wrong with coffee...? HUH?

Maybe it's just me, but I have like this feeling when what I'm cooking is done. It usually works out.

@Arcano: because not many people care.

You can get the Motorola Droid free, right?

@Liam: I can't run a marathon in flip-flops.

@brass2themax: You're acting like it will be used like this 100% of the time.

@jacob.kossman: Or if you're like "HEY! Sometims I'd like to just prop this up."

@BeyondtheTech: You can use BT keyboards with an iPad... and why do you need a magic mouse on a screen that's essentially a trackpad?