
I would totally watch a Ken Loach-directed Footloose.

Not to make an obvious point, but you realize Malvo didn't set up the tripwire during the storm, right? That we saw people walking around outside earlier, in daylight, when the conditions were much better? That my scenario doesn't depend on a dog, it depends on Malvo setting up a tripwire the night before that,

Because if it tripped before the cops arrived (a dog? an accident?), then the cops wouldn't think they were being fired on - there were no shots fired after Malvo left, otherwise - and would't have rushed in guns a-blazin'. Yeah, it's possible they might have shot him anyway in the confusion, but much less likely

Phew, that was a rush. I'm not sure how I feel about plans that are so convoluted they seem implausible - Malvo's plan only worked if someone stepped into a tripwire at a particular time, etc. - but everything was so well-choreographed, I don't care.

The first four minutes of "Impossible Soul" are maybe my favorite thing he ever wrote: that perfect upwardly-arching melody, the drum fills, the way the line climaxes, everything. I'm not really on board with the rest, though (it sounds more like a B side to All Delighted People than a conclusion to Adz), but of

As a hardcore fan (I guess? Maybe middlecore?), I'm perfectly happy with this career trajectory.

Adz is my favorite, actually (minus the last track, which doesn't belong on there.)

I think you could make a preferential treatment case against Kawase on the grounds of programming, but the fact that she has a decent record of winning awards there is a strike against it: of her four previous, she was given two different awards by two different juries. So clearly it's not the programmers alone who

I know he's a lot taller already, but look at that first shot of them together (I'll do a screen capture if I have a chance.) They're clearly not standing face-to-face - it's an old and easy special effects trick to exploit the fact that the camera doesn't capture in 3-D, so the flattened perspective makes it look

I was disappointed with the way they shot his scenes, with a weak attempt at simple perspective tricks to make him look feet taller than Cersei (the two could barely pretend to make eye-contact in their first medium-shot together.) It was just awkwardly done.

The set-up leading to Oberyn volunteering for Tyrion was so contrived that I was almost disappointed to see it happen so cleanly, but I'm more than willing to forgive it by how great the scene between the two of them was. Probably my favorite of the night. I know a lot of people expect Dinklage to use last week's

Tell me about it! Now if I could only get someone to trigger my Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky notifications!

I got a Carl Sandburg notification for this?

I would happily watch Tom Hardy beating up Mark Wahlberg, if that's what you're asking.

I have no problem with oversaturation (especially when invisibility is our biggest liability), but the next few months are going to be a particularly dicey period for Sam: he has to prove himself to his new team or be cut. The odds aren't exactly in his favor, either - while the Rams are going to do their best with

I'll jump on the "I wish Legit had found an audience" crowd, because even though I didn't watch it regularly (I know, it's my fault), it was always a fascinating and weird and funny bit of television. The "grubby, offensive exterior with the heart of gold" thing can get old, but I think they found the right balance,

Without doubt, the best Dolly Parton gateway isn't a record, it's a live show. I'm not the biggest fan of the genre, but she's a goddamn treasure, and her live show had me hooked.

I started scanning the comments again this morning and decided that this particular page was maybe a corner of the internet I didn't want to spend much time in.

Ah, this is probably true, as well.

The two are inextricably linked.