
Is it? Or was that just to establish just how blasé Tywin is about this whole social formalities thing?

I'd also add the aerial view of the Bloody Gate as a poor directorial choice. I understand that it's to establish both the overall geography and the perspective of the guards above, but for that scene, with our perspective linked with Sansa, it makes the Gate look a lot less terrifying and less interesting (I think)

That's my reading of the characters, too, which is why it seemed so forced. I get that frustration is built into the show, but I found that bit unnecessary.

Generally liked this a lot, but I'm a little frustrated with another manufactured "near-miss" between characters. I know they tried to argue that Jon would have prevented Bran from going north, but the whole bit came off more contrived to me than natural.

Great movie, great director. I stumbled into a screening of Moolaadé in college, and was so blown away I started going back through his catalogue. Absolutely deserves to be better known and more widely watched.

few WWII veterans could ease their psychic wounds though the experience of being unstuck in time as Billy Pilgrim did

If he hasn't picked an epitaph for his tombstone yet, that would work marvelously.

You're not fooling anyone, Kelly Rowland!

Some of us watch both Ferguson and TDS/Colbert! (You're on your own with Seth Meyers, though.)

Ferguson was always my go-to when people would visit me in L.A., partially because it was always possible to get into his show (it never filled up, unfortunately) and partially because, dammit, it was always exceptionally funny.

And yet, this is the same guy who barely appeared (in the flesh) in his own 1,000th episode, because he was doing the entire thing with puppets.

I give full credit to Rogen for being so good-natured about this. Someone posts extremely graphic, sexually posed drawings of him online, and instead of being embarrassed by it (or worse), he's showing off the pics on Conan. Franco looks like a putz for aping them without giving credit, but Rogen comes off like a

Both Gawker and Buzzfeed have writers who do very good longform writing (immediately to mind: Chris Geidner, Cord Jefferson, etc.). Neither site promotes these writers' best work as prominently as their transparent clickbait. Since that's what usually ends up plastered all over my Facebook stream, I tend to resent

I think the backlash is justified, though. Depp's a specialist in bold acting choices, but the problem with bold acting choices is that they can very (very!) easily tilt into fiasco-territory, and I think Depp's lost a sense of where that line is. Certainly there's nothing "realistic" about his most iconic roles -

The worst things about Infinite Jest are, unfortunately, in its first 100 pages. It gets better as it goes, and the last 100 are masterpiece-level writing. It's just unfortunate that it takes so long to get to that stride.

Yes to this. Without doubt the highlight of the clips.

I was hesitant, but I can tell you the exact moment the show won me over: it's when Billy Bob is asking questions about various pets in the hotel (spiders? bacteria?) and when the woman gets exasperated and asks what his problem is, he says, completely deadpan, "I'm a student of institutions." That's the money quote

“Filibuster” is a filibustering episode, a half-hour of loudly talking to postpone the inevitable.

Heh, I had a similar reaction. Marienbad is a provocation: it inspires extreme love or hatred, and I can see good defenses of both. But Rules of the Game? Maybe I'm biased (I think it's better than Citizen Kane, its usual tango partner for "Greatest" whatever), but I can't imagine finding nothing to enjoy there.

All I'm thinking is Tom Hardy in Ridley Scott's Querelle. I'd pay to see that.