
Maybe I’m way off base here, but comparing your pic to the one to the top, it appears that “what could’ve been” and what actually is are pretty similar

They did a really good job with the new Santa Fe... except for the back.

I’m so jealous. Instead, we get the two-tone/looks-like-a-liftback-but-isn’t Crown SportCross, which is on the inferior transverse-FWD TNGA-K platform. Whereas this one is, as you said, a Lexus LS-lite.

I don’t disagree, but my first thought was “Oh look-a Prius coupe!”

It’s too bad they weren’t still 33,000 feet above sea-level when it happened.

I was curious as to why his aide or whatever was carrying two cases of bottled drinks...was there a sale on Fruitopia at Walmark’s down in ‘Bama and they had to make a stop before the airport?

why can’t you read, dunce

It’s too bad he didn’t fall head first.  

Could say Alabama is a huge embarrassment to the country, a few good people around but way too many that blindly love guys like Tuberville and Trump.

Fucking awful, awful man. Too bad the fall wasn’t more serious.

The Repub Party...formerly all gung-ho for the military (not anymore), completely anti-Commie (not these Putin ass-kissers), and for less government on people’s backs (not these big gov anti-women’s-free-choice Donald-nazis) and now they’re the exact opposite.

This guy is a huge embarrassment to Alabama, which says a lot as we have a lot to be ashamed of, well there should be shame but too many red hats here. Holding up nominees over something he has likely paid for himself or paid for a player, seriously wouldn’t be shocked if has, or at the least gives no fucks about the

Here’s hoping any injuries he sustained are nothing trivial.

I need this gif, it expresses things I have difficulty putting into words.

Back in 1999 we bought a new hyundai accent for $10000 my cousin bought a used Malibu for $10000. The used car was a money pit and needed all kinds of very expensive repairs including a transmission. Our Accent needed nothing for the 11 years we owned it. If you are willing to have basic transportation, New sometimes

The problem is especially bad for EV’s. The government is beating the drums telling people to buy EV’s. But with the Chevy Bolt gone, there is really nothing affordable for regular middle class buyers to buy.

This really is nuts to me. I make multiple times this and the idea of spending $800 or $900 / month on a car loan is insane to me. I’m just not sure who these people buying all these cars are.

Most Americans cannot afford a car. Most Americans cannot afford not to have a car. Most Americans believe in angels.

As a new EV owner, and I have to admit I never thought about this until after I got my car, and that is it is actually pretty unique to have a non-Tesla EV. People actually come up and asks questions. Numbers don’t lie and S and Y are still kings, but if you want alternatives, there are plenty out there now.