
I like the lucid air. It's a very pretty car with the performance to match. But! I also like the Rivian R1S. Which is more practical, arguably as good looking and can also be had in stupid speed configuration. And unlike Lucid, they'll deliver it to me in upstate NY. 

I really considered a Lucid Air when I ordered my Taycan, but at the time they weren’t doing any trade-ins whatsoever so you would be stuck having to sell/off-load your existing car and ordering separately. It’s just so much easier to stick with your legacy luxury automaker at trade-in. And at $100k+, luxury buyers

Neutral: Lucid (and also Rivian) finding out in real time that leading off with an expensive product isn’t enough. You also need to throw an obscene amount of money at functional charging infrastructure, and be led by an eccentric weirdo who fooled a bunch of rubes into thinking he’s the next Edison. 

That’s where I am. I need a new car fairly soon. The Model Y would probably make sense for me economically and practically, in a lot of ways. I don’t want to think of that jerk every time I get in my car, though, and I don’t want to despise my car when I’m supposed to be enjoying it because of that. So that entire

My conservative family thinks “green” is the devil but Muskrat is so insane they want a Tesla now, to advertise what they “believe”.

I’m “that guy.” If the CEO wasn’t an unhinged genius who I have no intention of supporting financially or otherwise, I’d probably have a Tesla parked in my garage now, and if not I’d have ordered a Y at this fire sale price. It’s not like the class-leading infrastructure is going away, and I’d have this fancy high

Fuck Mush.  I’m not giving him any of my money.

The unhinged ravings of the face of Tesla has to be playing into this. He’s basically attacking his core demographic over and over while embracing the demographic that thinks climate change is a hoax. Not a strategy for long-term success. Even the most loyal ‘stans have to be starting to lose it a little as they see

Over in Europe, new purchases of EVs were heavily subsidized. A lot of people bought Teslas, got the cashback from the state, and then sold on the cars for slightly under MSRP, netting several thousand Euros per purchase. They were eligible for a new rebate every 6 months. But now, the rebates are gone and the cars

If you would have asked the best cars to have sex on, it would have been on the hood of my ‘74 Z-28.

who I am kidding the Peel P50 is enough for myself

Can confirm on the Honda Fit... Surprisingly large interior, she and I found out...

No Weinermobile?

“You killed a plant which would have created 2500-”

What’s the loss of 2,500 good paying factory jobs with benefits along with the economic stimulus to the surrounding area when you need a talking point for your planned 2024 presidential run?

Fucking redneck governors. Doing their reliable best to always do the shittiest things.

Mercedes came to my house and replaced my battery for the same price it would have been for me to pick up the battery from their parts department. (It was a Mercedes-specific battery and not an one I could get a Autozone)

I’m as critical of Musk as the next (rational) person these days, but I’m gonna respectfully disagree with your service experience point. Let me know which luxury competitor will come to my house and patch a puncture in my tire, or mount and install a new tire, or rotate my tires. All in my driveway. Because Tesla’s

Too bad Elon is such a dick-bag. I like many others will never buy a car that’s got his name attached. I would be driving a Model 3 or Y. Lets hope the new electric Macan.

Hey, progress toward getting a more sustainable world, deal-making baby step by deal-making baby step.