
My town had the disctiction of having a few rock stars... Sammie Hagar, Grace Slick and some of the dudes from Journey lived on the next street over so their cars were ok. I think it was Steve Perry who got the first 924 I’d seen. Someone else at the Journey house (which had a cantelevered pool) had a 320i, which was

BMW doesn’t understand the potency of its history. Look at the dilution of the Hofmeister kink. That new 2-series/Kia lookalike has less Hoff kink than an Impala. Unsurprisingly, they’ve mangled the logo with no clue. The twin kidneys are next, based on what’s up with the coming i4.

I had a 9-5 that I loved but I needed more space for sexy times/props for my jobs so I swallowed my pride and bought the raddest ride I never thought I’d love: Sienna. High mileage, beat up... it’s all cooler in a Sienna.

Not selling it in the US made as much sense as developing a Formula 1 race car and only offering it to first gen Prius owners. WHAT FOOLS! MB really tripped on this one.

What a TOTAL wasted opportunity. Butch this thing up. Give it cool non-metallic colors, strip the chrome, give it mop-able floors, a bigger roof rack, white painted steel wheels, big tacky graphics that SCREAM “Voyager” and market it towards the Xterra/ rich Vanagon/Subaru outdoorsy customers. OWN the brand, rather

In 1987, the company I worked for found great success. The two founders each got BMW E28, 528e (manuals) and the CFO bought an ‘87 Accord LXi. The Accord just looked so much more “designed” than the BMW yet, when I look at the dims, it is within an inch or so of the significant BMW dimensions. I later read that Honda

The coolest Maseratis were angular and hard. This soft, curvy design language is doing them no favors. Their aesthetic is so basic at this point, that Infiniti seems more elegant and considered (which is faint praise, since I don’t think they make a single good looking car).

In my county of Sonoma, CA, there are incentives for used EVs. Check to be sure there aren’t any near you. And $20k for a Leaf is high (probably newer). There are 7 on CL near me for under $6000.

Is there some mythical place where everybody drives 300 miles often? I GET that some people, once a year do, but once a year I need a pickup so go rent one. I’m lucky to have that luxury but this terror of 300 miles is overused and excessive.

Leasing is a lousy way to buy a car you’re “iffy” about. Why get stuck in a 2-3 year contract you can’t get out of if you want to? You get the same warranty, the same customer service but no leash if it gets dicey.

My parents always had cool cars.. MGTC in the 50s. Then a Borgward wagon which they were crazy for. Then they regretted instanly selling it for a Sunbeam Rapier. In their words, “the worst car ever made”. They dumped it swiftly for what was going to be a Mustang- but then they cross shopped it with a Volvo 122 and

When you can’t afford to hire a real designer, you get yard and a half of black plastic “mesh” slobbered all over your bumper. What happened to Mercedes’ integrity in design? This is just full-on tacky.

I hope all those geegaw vents do something. A car this focused should have function and refinement built into the style. To me, it looks too clunky. The headlights are worse versions of the Fiata 124's but the “mesh” air dams look better suited to an SUV from a few years ago. The rear looks as if it came from an MB.

Lacking in a few qualities of a minivan but it certainly has some similarities... the steering wheel controls on the hidden side are just like those on the Caravan I rented. Further, the tailgate-open button is in the same place as every current Sienna. Both of them look better too, since neither will be mistaken for

I’d like to know when they’ll stop designing it to look like a down-market Mazda wannabe. That’s about it. 

How I feel about the vehicle with the most gimmicks and design tricks? :(  Biggest compliment: Yay for amber blinkers. That’s it. The rest is astonishingly atrocious.

Yesss! I’ve had a fantasy of finding a well maintained, Le Car for about 10 years. They are FAR rarer than old Jags, obscure Ferraris and the like and it’s precisely because of what you say. Never meant to be coddled, the true collectors are the ones that nobody thought were worthy. Even if you don’t want an R5, and I

It’s been a while since but I had three 9-5s. After seven Volvos, I finally read Consumer Reports to find that my consistantly troublesome Vs were less-well ranked than the 9-5. MAN!! What supreme vehicles the Saabs were. The level of luxury. The power yet the high mpg... flawless. I eventually got one just before the

Thank you Jalopnik for publishing this facinating story! It reminded me of another real story of somewhat similiar components. I used to frequent a cafe in that catered to a rather wild, exciting group of customers- mostly gay, many artists, many crossdressers and transpeople. One customer was flamboyantly dressed the

BMW needs to bite the bullet and hire a designer. A coffee maker designer? A pencil designer? A sticker designer? ANY DESIGNER!!!! This brand is so bland it’s boggling. Bring back Bangle. Bring in Designing WOMEN! Truely, anything would be more fun than their current design language. zzzzzzzzZMW