
How would you suggest managing a refugee crisis, Isha?

Go fuck yourself.

Oh goodness. You’re a real nitwit.

Brilliant insight. Another wonderful and nuanced take from the left.

They had their voices heard and society said, “you’re scum, here’s the door”.

You’re quite funny. You should try pulling your head out of your ass once in a while. The air’s fresher.


You should suck on the exhaust pipe of a fine German automobile. You’re brain dead and beyond hope.

I wouldn’t take the political opinions of any athletes too seriously.

The Left is justly losing this battle. The tactics espoused by it’s practitioners is the best recruiting tool the Right has.

You should die of boils.

California, purported den of shining liberalism Leftism, has become the archetype for late stage capitalism the natural outcome of far left policies.

Sounds like Alia has a problem asserting herself.

Y’all are really interested in beating this non-story into the ground, aren’t you?

How would you design a refugee camp?

I remember when Jezebel was a good site.

The fact that she said no one ever yelled at her like that in her entire career was enough for me.

don’t try to educate these ghouls about left wing politics and terms, you’ll be here all day.

I didn’t realize you were expecting more than a cursory take on the relationship between Marxists and Anarchists in the comments section of a blog.

Obama clearly overdid it in that regard.