photon arbiter

Because Baze is the name of the Star Wars character... and nothing in the article establishes the name of the artist as anything other than “B Allen”. Even the artist’s page only lists the name “B Allen”.

“A Mercedes.” That’s the mainstream non-car-freak media for you. If Jalopnik had broken this story we’d already be arguing about the bolt pattern on the spare wheel.

You ‘mirin’ ?

SPOILER! Why is Ravus’s story considered a hole? I was under the impression he was pissed off because Regis abandoned him?

I don’t have a lot of sympathy for any of these stories, or the storytellers. Why do people think airlines and the FAA and the TSA and the FCC and the Consumer Product Safety Commission have been spending the past five years planning for the day when Samsung would launch not just one poorly-designed and self-tested

Find a corporate store. Take your phone in. Do not leave until you have a different phone in your hand. If Verizon sold an exploding device to you, they need to take it back. If you get to a manager, you might try throwing the term “strict product liability” around, which generally refers to the concept (under US law)

I have the regular S7, not the note, and I am going on a n international flight in a few weeks.... I am so paranoid they will think it’s the Note 7

You can’t equate sexuality (something you’re very much not born with) with literal and biological gender. I fully understand that this person may well feel uncomfortable within their own gender and desire a change, that they identify completely as a female regardless with their actual gender - but that still reads as

A) Gender is both a social construct and a real, biologically-based thing. “Wants to” is not necessarily inaccurate here.

You can copy and paste it as many times as you like but you’re still not going to convince me that the person in the pictures is a woman. Even if Amanda is a transgender individual, born as a man but now identifying their sex as a woman, he/she is making absolutely no effort at all to physically transition. So maybe a

How on earth is that offensive?

Yep, totally worth the effort.

I assume the individual in the picture is transgendered.

Bracing myself for the internet outrage but perhaps the pilot got word from an uncomfortable flight attendant after checking in an Amanda Stevens and being presented with an almost 6 foot tall dark skinned person with five’o’clock shadow, hairy arms, an upsidedown American flag shirt with an anarchy logo on the arms

Now playing

driver lucked in this time....... a hit deer murdered an entire band once

It looks like he fought...

Bahaha Joey’s face is perfect, since that’s exactly what I did.

A few notes: