
Sir, that stolen lemur bit one of your prostitutes right in the face and she says she can't go to hospital because she's, quote, 'tripping balls'.

Joel, this is gonna turn into a snuff film, isn't it?

No mention of 'Code Name: Cobalt'? I'm aghast;

The Avengers.

So THIS was unworthy of your notice, Emmy?

No Offerman, no peace, no interest.

I much prefer their earlier work as "Deathtöngue";

Waiting for a critical appreciation of "The Whoopee Boys", with Negron's supporting role;

"…and when he mentioned that 'Our Mrs. Peel is in Ladies' Undergarments', well, I bounded up those stairs three at a time…"

Dr. Gilpin: We're headed on a botanical expedition…
Yellowbeard: KILLING PLAHNTS!!! (bites houseplant in two…)

Na, you knock the top 8 ounces or so off of the top of one of those Jolt 'battery cans', and re-fill it with a Red Bull (Jolt's Cherry Bomb flavor cuts the bull urine aftertaste of the Red Bull the best…).

Then you'll surely want to run a Google Image search of her days as one of the last batches of "Hill's Angels".

P5 can start quite the internet worm-hole, getting you deeper into shibuya-ken.

I was expecting to see Dennis Dugan on this list.

I find this lists' absence of Overdog disturbing…

Mmm… Jumpsuit Jemma…

Helen Mirren should do a comedy? I've got seven words for you;


"HARVEY BIRDMAN II: ATTORNEY-AT-LARGE", but you'd have to convince Colbert to come back as both Ken-Sebbin and Reducto.

Although, I am intrigued at the thought of a 'tarragon mist bomb', you'd have to include a pound of good butter in the casing of the device, that way, you will know them by the trail of Béarnaise…