
We got some nice airports, some nicely grassed and tree’d medians, and a ton of round-a-bouts.

We got some nice airports, some nicely grassed and tree’d medians, and a ton of round-a-bouts.

Only from 09-11. All they did was pass Obamacare.

Philanthropy? You can’t be serious. Not even worth reading when you have no clue as to how things work. Instead why don’t you type something up slamming the people that invested in the company for not donating their dividend checks.

Woot. Just what I wanted. Another Apple not doing it first, but doing it right, thing. That way the internet will be loaded down with ‘copying Apple’ posts again.

As a gun toting conservative, I agree. They should also clear up some myths that are portrayed in the movies.... one shot will rarely stop an attacker and ‘silencers’ are still very loud. It is quite possible that this would deter some from buying guns... but at the same time it very well might encourage those that

Sure they did. They ok’d designs. They didn’t design it from the bottom up. Notice how there is a difference between the Pixel 2 and the 2XL? Made by two different manufacturers and clones of phones they already made/were making? On the Pixels, Google handled the internals and as I said up there.... were limited to

That will not be happening without increasing the thickness of the phone. If it can even happen at all. The USB port would have to be off to the side and the screen has to end before the USB can begin. Front facing cameras are in the 7-9mm square range. They’d have to cut the size of the camera in half, at least, for

That will not be happening without increasing the thickness of the phone. If it can even happen at all. The USB port would have to be off to the side and the screen has to end before the USB can begin. Front facing cameras are in the 7-9mm square range. They’d have to cut the size of the camera in half, at least, for

You failed to list phones to ‘support’ your argument that OEMs are/were increasing bezel sizes to copy Apple. You listed phones built by three different manufacturers where Google had very little say in the overall design, and compared them as if Google designed them all from start to finish in order to copy Apple. I

The lefties are so free that they decided they could run around by the thousands burning down buildings, having riots, killing and maiming people, etc. All in the name of being a sore loser. The literal definition of “Freedom is good for me, but not for you!”

Right. Because the literature that comes from the NRA says to grab a gun and go shoot up a school.

At the end of the day odds are the only reason that 50 million was in the bill was because of Delta lobbying for it.

It has a larger than eighth inch bezel already. You saying add another eighth inch?

3/4 of a million dollars and you have to design around a notch. awwwwe

You ever think that maybe they did figure it out and that is why there is a notch? And way to list phones with front facing speakers to show how companies are making huge bezel phones to copy apple. lol. That’s rich.

We also need to keep the cops ‘in check’. We should see the results of what we are paying for. The shit should be live streamed 24/7 as far as I am concerned. We paid for it, let us see.

I am sure anyone who frequents YouTube knows this isn’t the case. A decade or two from now, once the old timers die off, the entire country will finally have something they all agree on.

Pretty sure I said it is never going to go away. My point is don’t give them a voice online. Don’t put the name of the group down for others to search and join. Just don’t talk about it at all. Racism is being way overplayed these days. Toughen-up buttercup.

When I think of Trump and building something, I think build the best possible and not pay.