
Here I am thinking that a $3500 tv shouldn’t need anything else to make it better.

lol. I love the “I checked your responses” thing. As if you took the time to read the context or I am supposed to care. Conspiracy theories? Really? Conspiracy theories? I mean seriously. If you want conspiracy theories just have a look at the crap you guys jot down on the daily. Have you checked our debt lately?

Nope. Not kidding. Not trolling either. Show me one shred of evidence and I will. Newsflash: They haven’t found any.

Anyone spending a thousand plus on a thirty mile an hour drone is doing it wrong. $500 all in on an 90mph fpv with a GoPro strapped on top is the only way to go. Same video quality, and loads more fun. Be set up to fly in three minutes vs twenty plus. Etc.

I am sitting here asking myself which one of us has the tiny mind. You say you keep up with the news yet totally dismiss all of the good that is coming from this administration. Seems to me like you immerse yourself in news that further solidifies what you want to hear. Take a look around. Things are getting better

It has nothing to do with bias. It has to do with evidence. It has to do with the FBI writing an exoneration letter for Hillary two months before they even interviewed her. It has to do with FBI agents texting their ‘bias’ back and forth to each other. It has to do with all evidence being found pointing to Hillary,

The difference being he was 100% correct in bashing the FBI. I reckon you aren’t keeping up with what is ‘actually’ happening.

The things we are willing to give up and dismiss, all in the name of convenience. We should have more control over products that we outright own. Device manufacturers abroad should be giving us the option to install these device limiting updates. They should also be forced to disclose them in detail. We own the damn

Lol. So the guy has to go through extra steps for security because the leftist pukes can’t get it through their thick heads that threats and innuendos only hurt us [all] in the long run. Hence the million bucks spent just so the guy can do his job.  

Cite my sources? Where have you been? Get on youtube. That’s all ya need. Let me be clear. I love me some Tesla. But sitting here reading ‘sic-0-fans’ defend a company with half-truths gets a bit old. It no different than an Apple vs Android conversation. So many people lying about their experiences on both sides of

I have to wonder if anyone here remembers when ‘97%’ (in quotes cause I made the figure up) of all scientists said we were destroying the ozone layer? Now it is widely considered to be our thermal regulator and those random holes are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.

It was rhetorical. They ship uncompleted vehicles overseas to be completed by the dealerships. Sometimes to save on costs. Sometimes because they have trouble with suppliers and they will just ship the parts direct from the supplier to ‘meet’ the car(s). And sometimes because they just forgot to finish the thing.

What is the difference in this and sticking an nfc tag for a buck on your nightstand?

The wording in the article makes me think that he has [not] been sentenced yet? If that is true the attorney wouldn’t contest it as money reduces sentences. Get busted with a load of pot in the car? Buy back your car for half its value from the city and get a slap on the wrist type of thing.

You lost me flagship quality and are way off when it comes to that. Then you lost me again at 5x. I have one sitting on the coffee table. Reviews were not ‘gushingly’ positive about it. The 808 is a bore. The factory seconds hardware it is built from is even worse. You can take that factory seconds comment to explain

LMAO. You are going to pin the term whataboutism on a Trump flunky? That’s your entire shtick. What happens if Trump does this? And omg he could do that? Speaking of get your ignorant head out of the sand.

Um. Nexus devices were complete and utter shit. Owned a few of them. A buggy OS on top of shit hardware.

I don’t know about that. They were burning through money without producing ‘promised’ products and the guy that was running it was a complete douche. With the Ecobee and such on their doorstep, Google might have been exactly what Nest needed.

Doesn’t Tesla send uncompleted vehicles out to get finished at the dealerships?

Didn’t GM save Tesla? Pretty sure they did, along with a few others.