
Tesla needs to produce that ‘quality’ car first. They still cannot make more than a dozen cars in a row that aren’t constantly in the shop. Having your customers wait weeks at a time before they can bring their car in for service and then wait weeks to get your car back is not optimal. Only to have all of that happen

I’m not sure I follow. According to the chart on that link for gm, you have sales for the ‘month’ of may and ytd sales from jan to may.

A “blue wave”. I heard that all through 2016.

I think it needs to be said that a good rule of thumb is 8-10mbs per person in the home. I don’t know of any streaming service that requires more than 7mbs, maybe 8, to watch hd content. So an eight down will easily support twenty people in the home. If you are having issues with hiccups and such in your wifi, then

Funny enough those four are further down the list for me. Could care less about them other than guns. But I don’t plan on buying any ass’ualt rifles so I don’t care about that either. Understand that a lot of it is all about blatantly telling me that my money should go to support the lazy and inept. Give me a dem that

How would you register a home-made drone other than to say “I have one”. Mine changes from week to week. There is no way it could ever come back to me if something were to happen. Even then I have an 80mph micro that weighs in at 112.61g with battery. The law is about as pointless as it gets. All it does is make the

The ‘whole species’ needs to look at themselves and their exponentially growing earth ravaging habits, and stop pointing the finger at everyone else. People want to talk about a coal plant instead of talking about how much heat is produced to keep their homes and business offices heated/cooled and to keep their

Airlines should install radar and ultrasonic sensors on their planes for crash avoidance. Seems easy enough to me. Most of these test scenarios, such as using this eagle, are just people trying to capitalize on gov’t funding. Kinda like the lady here in Nashville that got a million dollar grant to find out how social

Maybe I am missing something here. Comcast and Time Warner together are looking at thirteen billion in capital expenditures for the year.

Spectrum is carrier. Carriers are not ISPs. Carrier pay ISPs for access to the trunks. Not to be confused with natural resources.

How do you tell the people that the state of California shouldn’t decide who our President is in every election?

To be fair, China does what it does because the people couldn’t/cannot breathe. It just happens to fall in line with climate change. I don’t really get why they are put on such a high pedestal. If they didn’t need to keep their people alive to work for pennies on the dollar, they wouldn’t be doing anything.

You must have kids. Otherwise you have last years phone to fall back on and use until the next phone comes out that you want to buy. Rinse and repeat. Cases add too much bulk, and the thin ones are just as slippery as the metal phone it went around.

You’re awesome.

Impeach Trump for what? His Twitter acct?

Right. 450 million to launch in 2011. Today that would cost 480mil. or 550 mil. Which would in turn raise the cost per pound that you used to say the shuttle was cheaper. Then when you factor in the fact that an even cheaper launch is happening soon... well you know... might as well of saved your breath.

The price six years later for the shuttle isn’t going to be 450mil and the cost of this mission should be significantly reduced thanks to them re-using most of the hardware. /assumptions

An app drawer? Don’t know if jb gets you that... but that would for sure be a reason.

Never buy Samsung. If on Verizon buy a Moto. You shouldn’t be on Sprint. For anything else buy the OnePlus 5 ro 5t. Owned Note 8. Pixel XL. Pixel 2 XL. OP5. And nor the Essential. OP5 is simply the best there is.

After reading through some of the comments... I am baffled to see how many people there are that are unwilling to train their dog to NOT SHIT AND PISS in the house. It isn’t that difficult people. Had my pup for eleven years now and she has done it twice since she got trained. Both times I was asleep and both times it