
I’m genuinely flabbergasted you don’t think what they wrote is true. Google video search is terrible and might as well be renamed “Youtube Search.”

Why’s that? Google literally only returns search results for videos hosted on youtube. Bing video is an actual video search engine that gives you results from all over the web, it will even search porn sites if you turn off safesearch.

This is like the basis for basically any CRM software out there.

Yeah, this seems like basic PR. If you are going into an interview (and especially if you are preparing a non-PR person for interview), you are going to want a quick breakdown as to who the interviewer is, what their interests are, how adversarial they’ll be, etc..

Is there a company with a PR department that doesn’t do this?

So whats the big deal about it? Why do need to write that Microsoft is “terrified” of press or make it sound so? In pretty much every company when you have to meet with an outside client or interview with the press you do have some communication flying around that outlines who the client is or what to expect in the

What’s in Microsoft’s dossier for Gizmodo?

That is why the game companies are able to get away with shitty conditions. Don’t like it? OK, there’s a line of suckers for your position (

Maybe it’s just me, but often ‘passionate’ seems to be a nice way of phrasing either a workaholic or someone that is willing to put up with a lot of crap. When a company asks for passionate developers, often they mean they want someone who’ll work unpaid overtime, put up with huge extended periods of crunch time, and

Making games IS a job. Artists are not just “having fun”.

TL;DR If you have no tangible skills and are just an “idea guy,” as 90% of the people who think they want to make videogames are, then no. If you actually have a skill, along with a detailed plan including design documents, timeframe and budget then still probably no but maybe.

And again I feel like I’m not a part of the human race. Because I think this game is pointless