I played Postal 2 once. I beat it without killing a single person. At the end, it said, "Thank you for playing, Jesus." That was the real challenge to that game, not killing anyone, while completing objectives.
I played Postal 2 once. I beat it without killing a single person. At the end, it said, "Thank you for playing, Jesus." That was the real challenge to that game, not killing anyone, while completing objectives.
Sepiks was the Vanguard Tiger strike, level 24.
Awesome. Sent a request. I am running bounties this evening, have two left. Then, I will be running strikes.
The first bounty I received was Invective, you get to choose from several. I did all the Vanguard Bounties for about 6 days straight. I have a guess that there is an invisible ranking that we are not shown. Similar to the Cryptarch, I think it is around 3000. Most bounties, if you do just the Vanguard, can add up to…
Let me say this, I will run with anyone on PS4. Here is a tip, do not pass enemies, during strikes. Kill everything. Run strikes continuously, like 10 in a row. I have found better drops that way. I keep half of these in my vault, for the Hunter I am starting to level. I switch between weapons used, depending on the…
I could only buy 4, with the coins I had. I did not have coins the first week of Xur. I bought, Suros, Ice Breaker, Red Death, and Gjallerhorn. Total, I have spent about 205 hours of game time. I do not run Crucible much, but spend a lot of time running strikes, daily and weekly missions. The only time I run Crucible…
The emblems I keep are legendary. They are bought from The Speaker or my Warlock Vanguard representative.
I bought 4 from Xur. I got 4 from bounties, after getting about 3000 points worth of bounties done. The rest were drops in the Strikes. I barely play Crucible. So, 4 from Xur, 4 from bounties, 4 from drops in strikes and cryptarch leveling..
Let me know if you need help. Ran it twice with a two man team.
I traded in Watch Dogs, to get this game. I do not regret that decision. It was like trading in a handful of shit, for gold.
I'll just put this here.
Gamestop texted me. You have Evil Within reserved; coming out Tuesday.
Lindsey who?
Here is why I am done with the Iron Banner.
I was just wondering how they got all the orcs for Shadow of Mordor. Now, we know.
Okay, after playing a bit of this, on PS4, there are definitely issues. Characters all walk the same, in a robotic cadence. The cutscenes tend to lag intermittently. The voice over work is mediocre, at best. Audio cuts in and out, when saving. Still, it is a playable and enjoyable game, with the atmosphere it provides.
Bungie and Activision need to be careful. The more of this stuff that leaks out, the more likely they are to face a lawsuit. It has happened to numerous games in the past, especially those that tried to cover it up or lie about it.
It's fine, when you are not on a team in a strike; i.e. patrols, no one gets hurt. But, for example, if you are playing Ta'aurch, and your teammate runs you down with a tank, killing you against a wall, it gets annoying; especially when there is no apology or rez. In circumstances like that, it would be preferable to…
Disable vehicles indoors.
That would be excellent. I would love that.