
@ℳℴℯ❤: It looks like it's on the island from Wii Sports: Resort, so it might be one of the "throwback" levels that they have in all the Mario Kart games.

@Allicks: They've always done it with handhelds.

I thought that he would have retired tomorrow, tonight.

@Fernando Jorge: I'm conflicted as to wheter I agree or disagree with you.

@Fernando Jorge: What if someone agrees with you? Are they still wrong?

@El_Mexicutioner: They didn't ask who the most well-known character was. They asked who was the best.

That music reminds me of Legends of the Hidden Temple.

@jetRink: I heard he once got three holes-in-a-ball.

@Firesphere: I'm not sure how to do the two seperately, but I'll look at my machine in a bit and see if I can figure it out.

@Firesphere: Do you mean that you want it to lock on battery power, but remain unlocked when plugged in?

@worsethannormal: Actually, they're from McKinney. It makes a difference.

@K1NG EV1L: That too. Maybe he's just a generic "rough-and-tumble" manly-man.

Does anyone else think that last picture looks like Tugg Speedman from Tropic Thunder?

@Phoshi: What about saying it in different languages?