Peter Thiel's Dildo

To everyone who reflexively complained about Harris’s critics over the past few months: This is why leftist criticism is not only good, but necessary. The more you defend your centrist idols, the longer it will take them to adopt common-sense and wildly popular progressive positions like single-payer. I applaud

It’s also true that the people who live in the most vulnerable parts of the coast (usually poor minorities) are the most likely to vote for democratic candidates.The people drowning aren’t going to be the suburban whites with oil money in the Woodlands. They’re going to be Latinx in Pasadena and black families in

The Asian community in the US has always been somewhat divided ideologically. For the better part of the 20th century, the Model Minority ideology, which promotes the adoption of whiteness in an effort to reduce discrimination against Asians, was absolutely dominant. A big part of this reason is that Asians at the

There are many, many different commentaries online, including on the other Gizmodo sites, that have explained this far more in-depth than I ever could. That being said, here’s a sort-of primer on the issues with whitewashing.

Remember when Democrats sent these people buckets full of money to help them rebuild their burned-down (and 100% insured) office? Good to know we have the moral high ground as they use that money to pull shit like this.

You should check out the Lando miniseries Marvel released about a year ago. It’s excellent.

“She would have been a extremely competent administrator and would have ensured that the executive branch was fully staffed.”

This issue isn’t binary. The DSA, in addition to fighting for economic equality, also supports abolishing the police and prison states. Point me to one establishment Democrat that supports a real solution to white supremacist police violence in this country, and I’ll point you to a hundred that think that we just need

If you would have actually read those pieces, the goal isn’t to completely rule out candidates like Harris. It’s to incentivize Harris and the others to adopt more progressive positions and to demonstrate actual efforts to advance things like single-payer healthcare, criminal justice reform, anti-war efforts, Wall

Every song on The Suburbs was co-written by Régine Chassagne (a Canadian national treasure, mind you), and she’s the centerpiece of at least 4 of the songs. You should’ve gone with Neon Bible, which features much less Régine and thus is objectively worse.

You’re using three guys with a comedy podcast to erase the actual activists (mainly women, poc, and queer folk) who are fighting for economic and racial justice. Fuck off.

Fun fact: in the original tales, Aladdin was Chinese.

I grew up in Texas, went to college in Massachusetts and now live in New York, and this is the biggest piece of bullshit Southern propaganda since The Lost Cause. White people in the North are still racist af, don’t get me wrong. But Northern racism is like a t-ball team compared to the South’s St. Louis Fucking

I met this guy at Texas Boys’ State in 2012. He was the nicest guy, until he found out I was bi three days in. He actively avoided me for the rest of conference, an impressive feat considering that we were in the same “city” group. He also ran for “governor” and got wrecked in the primary. His bourgie-ass parents have

It’s gotta be Dilton. He and Betty just spent an entire issue bonding over cars, which is the exact kind of foreshadowing Waid would go for. Plus, what easier way to shift the love-triangle pendulum away from Veronica back to Betty than with the death of Betty’s newest, nerdiest love interest?

Harvard: (punishes cross-country runners and soccer players for misogynistic comments and texts)