Ficarra says their script starts with Harley kidnapping Dr. Phil, who she hopes will able to provide her and Joker with some couples counseling,
Ficarra says their script starts with Harley kidnapping Dr. Phil, who she hopes will able to provide her and Joker with some couples counseling,
The team’s 1-3, and Moore was a non-factor in a game they lost by 1 to Eastern Michigan. Fringe Heisman candidate is a stretch.
This is a complete ethering of the article. Well done.
Who is going to use a browser on the Switch either?
Not to mention that you don’t “own” any games you purchase digitally, either.
On first read, I’m counting about four things wrong with your graphic:
Hey, hey—those roughly 1–2 cups of lemonade aren’t going to sell themselves!
There is no good reason a paid subscription should be required to backup one’s save data.
Rocket League requires NSO.
People getting worked up about this is peak gamer entitlement, IMO. They basically want Nintendo to keep providing part of the service after they’ve stopped paying for it.
Thanks for writing an informative, straightforward article about NSO. Reading the Switch subreddit over the past few days has left me with the impression that your Switch catches on fire the second you pay for the service.
OWL 2K18 isn’t out yet, and Zhou isn’t sure she’ll end up releasing it.
*googles “Ninja but not the white guy” *
It’s a professional name. Just like scores of actors and musicians have.
There are a number of prominent Fortnite streamers who are on console. Although I will say that ESPN made a mistake by putting the PS button icons on the cover, as Ninja plays exclusively on PC.
He’s played in a number of formal Fortnite tournaments as well, but he’s stated that committing to eSports full time wouldn’t be worth the downsides of a reduced streaming presence.
And if you can believe it, there were a bunch of other obvious penalties that weren’t called. A couple lowering of the helmets, Josh Gordon getting straight-up piggybacked in the end zone. The refs were embarrassing.
The Durham Bulls’ stadium only cost ~$40 million in today’s dollars, and that’s including a significant renovation in 2014. And it’s an absolutely great place to watch a game. What exactly are the WooSox getting for double that price?
For some reason I read that in John Madden’s voice, and it made me laugh.
Exactly. And if he’s healthy enough to play in rehab starts, he’d presumably be healthy enough to “play immediately” with the Indians if the MLB had some sort of “show cause” rule.