
It’s ironic that Thorin and Montecristo cited the “bundle of sticks” definition in support of their ridiculous straw man arguments.

It’s probably the right decision.

Doom and Wolfenstein say hello.

Sorry, if they can get Doom or Wolfenstein running on this system, there is no reason, outside of laziness, that 2K can’t get a wrestling game to work.

My reading was that they reported his father to the authorities, because there’s a mention of a police interview later.

I’m kinda partial to, “Hi, friends, Jim Nantz here,” but maybe that’s the Stockholm Syndrome talking.

Probably didn’t help that she said she was glad TotalBuscuit died.

And if that interaction blew up and your firm decided that was an unacceptible way of conducting yourself, you could very well be out on the street, too.

Tristan Thompson on line 2.

*searches for “NPBA First Vice President”*

Hey, I’m sure the Cavs would trade Tristan Thompson’s ludicrous Klutch-inspired salary to L.A. if the Lakers need big help. It’d save Khloe all those trips to Cleveland.

They say it was “common knowledge” that Strauss would shower with the team even though he didn’t participate in workouts, and per an anonymous wrestler, “everybody used to snicker about how you go into his office for a sore shoulder and he tells you to take your pants down.”

I don’t think his current timetable has him back before December or January, so the All-Star team would be either a long shot or a farce.

The idea that Cousins, on just the second day of free agency, exercised some sort of absolute last resort because not a single team in the league would offer him a contract is ridiculous. He’s a member of the Golden State Warriors because he really wanted to be one.

Not only is the Lakers’ roster garbage, but they have an unproven GM, and they followed up the LeBron announcement with three signings that don’t instill much confidence (KCP, Lance Stevenson, and Javale “Shaqtin’ a Fool” McGee). They have a loooong way to go.

James has now given the Lakers something he never gave Cleveland: room to breathe. . . . [He] has placed his trust in the Lakers to figure out how to build a super team around him over the next three seasons.

Completely agree. I’m not going to shed a tear for a team who fails to back its way into the knockout round.

Came to say this. It’s clearly obvious that the other two fielders stopped short. Which is ironic, because both of them probably had a better play on the ball.

Ollie sent the school a letter yesterday threatening legal action for “defamation and invasion of privacy” over the contents of the NCAA transcripts.

Hey, if anyone at Deadspin would like to find out how Jenkins’s parents went with “William” and then followed it up with “Janoris,” I’d appreciate it.