
The world is horrible so we should all be horrible to each other because that’s just the way it is and should be.

That bitch ain’t pregnant, she just fat and stupid.

I believe he committed Wyre Fraud in this case.

Sessions has to stay. If he left, and tried to go back to his old seat, he would have to fight incumbent Senator Luther Strange, who at 6 feet 9 inches, is the tallest member of the Senate.

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

The convention center is right by the Expo line and the 7th & Metro hub is right up the hill. Get food elsewhere. Lots of good stuff downtown. Little Tokyo’s and Chinatown are a few trainstops away. Get a tap card and a map and explore. Convention Center food is basically airport food. LA Live is a dumb mall. Even if

It wasn’t hate that killed him...

Rant is right. The games were not fun before to anyone but the most hardcore of strategy nerds. The optional removal of permadeath and the fleshing out of support stories (what you refer to with disdain as ‘moe waifu’) made the latest three entries far superior to the grinding slogfest that was FE pre-3DS.

Yeah, he killed him.

Ah sorry was in a hurry and mixed the name. Fixed. It’s already been a day and unlike the current administration I can admit I made a mistake due to hurrying and correct it.

In that case, might as well aim it Anchorage. Their fault system is believed to be connected to the supervolcano under Yellowstone too!

Get the fuck out of my country, you ignorant hick. The illegals are more American than you could ever hope to be.

“Hey 16 year old son and 15 year old daughter, aren’t you excited to have twin sized bunk beds in a room that’s four feet wide?”

And you know their “travel the country” nonsense is a load of bullshit

I would fund these kids’ legal fund.

Your children are going to snap and murder you. Please stop.

These people drive me insane.

and one from Kourtney for fixing a wifi issue

It’s an interesting approach. Back in the days of CRTs they used to have detector vans that could detect the signal from the receivers and they would check that against records of who had a license.