
Cersei: It’s a rigged system!!

You know, I’m gonna say something I think we all need to remember. It’s good to have an adversary, and better to have a worthy one.

Aw man let poor Ken be. He doesn’t deserve this. It’s all fun and games till Thiel comes after your ass on bone’s behalf. And then you know what happens? No rice cooker

guys i am for real concerned that he didn’t know that a whole world lay beyond the US until like 2 months ago

Thanks! I’m just an occasional visitor, and I’m pretty sure I’ve done all the rest but not those. None of my LA relatives have ever mentioned LACMA. Not big art museum fans I guess..

All of the continuity issues within the Kardashian universe will be resolved in a “Crisis on Infinite Earths” style pare-down, when the Khloe from Earth-Prime does battle with the shadowy Kris of Earth-13 (she extinguished the sun). And Kylie’s lip kits are sold out on all worlds in the multiverse, alas.


I feel like we aren’t really addressing the root of the problem: WHO IS STILL LEAVING VOICEMAILS in 2016?


Are they also appealing their right to record boring ass, vanilla white trout piece of shit music.

Guy that's friends with my Berner friend was going off about how the American Dream is bullshit because we were taught if you worked hard and believed then you would succeed and they worked hard and believed and Bernie didn't win so it is all rigged and bullshit. I drank his tears.

Looking at her pinterest board, she really seems to like antiseptic, cold, and impersonal and colorless interiors. Yes, I’m nosy.

My favorite part of this whole Senior Week thing has been finally realizing that Ashley Feinberg is my favorite person on the Internet.

Maybe I’m being dense here but how is “Non-related group of 3" different from “Un-related group of 3" or from the other “Non-related group of 3"?

As a West Coaster, I think that traveling East is easiest and I don’t think that, for me, it has anything to do with circadian rhythms. When I travel East, I’m typically leaving on a 6:00am flight. So I end up getting up at about 2:30 Pacific anyways. Then I fly across the country, arrive there, get bags, go to hotel,

What does that even mean? Why does this make you “fear for the current generation”? I have a sever lung disease and my health goes up and down often.

Eeeyeah. This album came out when I was, what, thirteen?

The track in which a female singer groans, and follows it up with “baby” (“unh, unh, UNH baby”) definitely called my mother to my room, and both my folks were generally cool with whatever I wanted to listen to at the time.

TL;DR: This album was evidently produced

Ridiculous summary description of games:

Since I grew up in a nice neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles and found I was a talented writer in high-school creative writing classes, naturally I was introduced to Bret Easton Ellis, whom I thought was brilliant when I was a lost sixteen year old. Unfortunately, that impacted my writing for

fuck off