
It’s hard to beat the joy that just seeing the art of Persona 4 conjures up.

Also, maybe you don’t consider Fire Emblem: Awakening a JRPG. Maybe it’s a tactical game with role-playing elements.

Doesn’t matter. Your omission of this game has been an egregious mistake.

Your Calvin and Hobbes books are still on your book shelf unedited, untouched. Sorry that this guy’s fun math project “completely ruined” your favorite strip. I guess you’ll have to resort to Marmaduke.

Since you obviously run a B&B boutique law firm that only deals in B&B law, I was wondering if you know if it’s legal or not for me to marry a B&B? That paint can I done married ran off on me so I need a new life partner and I’ve been dating a B&B right across the state line. And before you ask, yes, the B&B is legal,

I live off of Vine not to far from your boyfriend but south of Sunset- At least you can be reasonably sure the poop is from dogs.

Just a reminder: your insurance plan very, very likely covers adult MMR boosters totally free (thanks, Obama!).


Glad to read that the Hound has put down his sword, but this is unexpected.

Any yet people will still complain about $15 per month, when they just spent that much on a single Mad Max ticket for only 100 minutes of entertainment...

I would imagine an express train between LA and Vegas would make money if it was faster than driving and cheaper than flying.

They tried to revitalize Atlantic City by offering a dedicated service from NYC to AC that catered to ‘gamblers’. It did not work. Granted, it was AC, not Vegas, but most people like to drive (unless you’re old and do the bus)

Thanks! I do use a tree stage filter for drinking water but as you said, it’s likely the building...15th floor of a 1910 high rise. It’s hard to overcome whatever this water contains.

Come here and sign the official petition to put Stannis on the Iron Throne simply because he has excellent grammar! Hearing him mutter ‘fewer’ was an episode highlight for me.


That certainly didn’t help matters, but I it wasn’t the biggest factor. It explains certain changes (“Gilbert” changed to “Edward” to fit into the 6 character name limit, “Milon” instead of “Scarmiglione,” etc.). And there were certain content-related changed, too (“White” instead of “Holy,” mandated by Nintendo of

What’s not to love? They’re almost as classic as Star Ocean 2’s voice acting.

Should we play “favorite bad translations?” I think we should.

Everyone keeps talking about boob jiggle physics, but I think the more important question here is if Squeenix will go full-progressive and finally give the fans what they didn’t know they wanted all along:

Kuja jiggle physics.

AUS only has one flight at a time take off or land (I know this bc my parents are air safety managers, former controllers) and as such it gets busy all at once, even at peak times. I’ve been in the airport at times when the only people in there were the people getting on my plane or getting off. It’s kind of weird but

And then there was the US Skins which tried to keep things the same, except for the stuff that really made the show interesting (turning Maxxie into a lesbian who has sex with a straight boy).