
If I could be anyone in Westeros, I would love to be a Tyrell. They're badass, and their fashion is gorgeous. In actuality, I'm really glad I'm not in Westeros, though, because I would be super-dead.

Your troll style overall is strong. Your lead in seemed pretty sincere and just dumb enough to be believable. I also really like your rate of escalation, you really know how to crank it up slowly. Near the end is where you lose focus, I assume you get a little over excited once you hook a few people. I will have to

My point exactly, no one enjoys tourists invading their neighborhood but most people also don't move to a tourist area and expect them to not be there. I live close to Hollywood and Highland and sure tourists are annoying but I moved here. Like you said, if I wanted a clean, quiet neighborhood I'd move to Northridge

Captain Falcon and Ness ARE the Smash Bros. This is their game.

Duck Hunt is a pair of bros.

Ice Climbers was a dude and his lady, not bros. :(

I'm sure you have a great smile :)

Thank you. As a Californian, I'm constantly having to tell people that Los Angeles is in fact not in a desert. Hell, I think even LA Weekly did something about that recently.

This is totally a plot by local breweries to get people to switch to beer.

The show allows production and post crews to spend a lot of money in drinking establishments to drown out their sorrows, so the Duggars' fetish is definitely supporting at least a few others in addition to their own family.


Not necessarily true. Having worked in The Real World, Bad Girls Club, etc., I can assure that those shows are not scripted (cannot/will not say the same for Housewives or Tori). There are no story lines being sold to the cast; they all develop organically and then "story editors" decide which ones to feature. I know

Clearly, the infographic patriarchy's is using their Photoshop privilege to marginalize certain ethnic groups. If you're part of the .jpg, you're part of the problem!

you idiot, most of california and therefore its agricultural land is located in the valley, which is not a desert. in fact, the capital of sacramento located in the center of california is protected by a series of levees against flooding. Yep that's right genius, this whole valley area used to be prone to flooding.

You are a fucking idiot. CA is not a desert. Look it up, fuck-wit. Youre already on the internet.

Oh Yee of little integrity.

It applies to tim draper.

Oh god, I should have known better than to read the comments on this story. Anytime I find something on this site that genuinely excites the core gamer within me, that doesn't involve ps4 vs xbox one or oculus rift or graphics and specs and first-person shooters and fucking titanfall, YOU show up to take a shit all

Oh man... Jason, please bear with me here.

My father's name is Edgar. I loved him to death, and he actually passed away last year. He gave me something that I would never ever lose, and that was the courage to be myself. (This has a relevance to your article, so hear me out.)