Pete BC

‘[Updates]’ Has never been as understated as it was the moment the game ended. Or ever will be. 

No one thinks decent lawyer when Larry Klayman’s name comes up. Moore must like humiliation. 

He’s an insecure narcissist; he will never ever stop having doubts about people loving (or even liking him) It’s also a testament to how truly awful he is in how delighted I am to have written the last sentence. He’ll also never have the comfort of knowing someone (lots of someone’s for most of us) that love him

Proof the Bills are in the bad place. Bortles! 

Fortunately no one will ever pay you millions since you’ve demonstrated your outstanding work ethic with the laziest of internet takes while you sit on your ass telling us you’re sacrificing something that costs you nothing. The NFL will miss you dearly. 

That raccoon is going to pay... here’s that crows brother, vancouver’s Crow enforcer, Canuck the crow. 

So we’ve reached the point where the ‘tell’ for determining it’s not Trump tweeting/writing something is that it’s NOT complete gibberish? Yep, we are in the bad place. 

There’s a video of Wilfork playing, and winning a game of pickup basketball with a group of guys nearly half his age. The big guy even dunked. NFL linemen may look fat, but those dudes were definitely in excellent physical condition. 

Is there a check box labeled ‘skeezy perv’ on the Fox News application form?

Obama also grew up in Hawaii so he’s to blame for Pearl Harbour too. 

How desperate do you have to be to take dating advice from that guy? 

It’s not explicitly stated but strongly implied that Luke, believed that the Jedi fucked everything up and his own failure, leading to a repeat of history only confirmed that. TLJ actually managed to ret-con the prequels into making some narrative sense: that the Jedi’s hubris and belief in predestination sowed the

Indeed. Luke as a bitter cranky hermit was the ONLY direction TLJ could have gone. He had ‘just walked away from everything’ and felt explicitly responsible: Han says exactly that. Then he disappears for years. Not a guy itching to get back into the fight. He needed to be convinced; and he was. I guess the TLJ

None of any of this makes a lick of sense. I mean if you’re gonna lie have your story be at least somewhat plausible. 

What’s the colour of the sky in your world? Galactically missed the point. 

Well that’s a headline you don’t see every day. 

From Darryl Dyck of CP, the moment the boob utterly lost his dignity:

This is why I don’t have a dog. Because they are way better than me. I’m not worthy.

I’m not even sure if the first car even hit their brakes at all; there’s no indication from either the rear or front view. Plus, there’s no other moving traffic on either side a situation you’re extremely unlikely to encounter in real life. That said, there’s a reason why the manufacturers recommend drivers do not

Someone needs a nap. Or just to come down from the coke binge.