Pete BC

Since we’re in the upside down world:

Wow! Nothing enhances your credibility like a pair of macrame pants. Also, what the hell is the pride flag doing there? For the record the best part of the chicken is the thighs, plenty juicy and enough meat for just the right bite to bone ratio.

It’s fairly certain that when someone says ‘trust me’ repeatedly, you can’t. He sounded sober, which was odd.

So his brilliant strategy is to spell out his exact strategy to his opponent before negotiations actually begin? That’s not a just so stupid it could work plan; it’s just stupid.

Correction: When you’re the only great player on an NBA finals team. Those are literally ‘I’ve got to do more than everything?!’ look .

Here’s my attempt at distillation: Come on people now

Why do we care about this guy? Really? An idiot that went too far for Trump? But here I am...

I came away with this:

That would explain a lot. If he actually had mutually (mostly) satisfying sex he’d still be an asshole but wouldn’t be quite so self satisfied about being an asshole. But.. HA! Like this lizard draped in human skin is is EVER going to get laid.

Well they went on the show after this happened. Bygones be bygones I guess.

The old ‘appeal to authority’ logical fallacy. There’s only one person on that list the might be in a position to objectively assess the technology and even he doesn’t have direct experience in blood testing; surgeons don’t conduct the tests. As for the others, they are like everyone else: just as susceptible to the

That’s just... dumb. Long and stupid. Obama is to blame because he pointed out exactly what Trump was and is: an empty suit and an idiot. Really!? The blame for Trump goes on the racist morons that voted for him: by and large, white people.

The force is weak in this one.

Protesting against government tyranny? Riiiight. If a black male graduate was toting that guy they would have called back the national guard.

She is reported to have a history in that restaurant regarding her bathroom use. I have friends who worked at fast food places that can tell stories that are gross and nuts: bathroom stall literally covered in shit along with a tire iron... covered in shit. As for this lady, she’s obviously has a few issues and the

My comment wasn’t completely obvious, but the google guy pretended not to know Milo...

Even without Kyrie they can still flatten opponents.

That’s a sixty percent of the time it works every time answer. It makes no sense. Folks know who ‘Milo’ is, they just don’t want to acknowledge it. That stops the conversation they really really don’t want to have, cold.

No, but looks like dad is heading for a Turkish prison.
