Pete BC

Things didn’t really end well for the guy who said that though...

Now playing

I liked the Tide ads. But this one is peak Goldblum, and none of the ads tonight are as funny as this. Tim and Eric also played a part.

That was an odd song choice. Now I hate that song even more.

Ok. Seriously now. This guy is alive? I really really hope he’s alive. Also smh.

He wasn’t very generous to be sure, but he didn’t shirk responsibility either. He lost, largely (to him I’m sure) because of his specific failure. I’d be kinda grumpy too.

No. I am not. Also there’s a rough measure of a game based on the number of punts. > punts bad; <punts good.

I’m realize now why I’m don’t feel as shitty as I have in the past Pat’s losses. In order to beat Tom Brady, everyone on the team has to play the game of their lives. The Eagles did that tonight. What a game. This was “Rommel you magnificent bastard! I read your book!”

This is for me the weirdest feeling I have for any Patriots super bowl. It was... fuck it... the best super bowl ever. My inner football fan (appreciates on all the levels the NFL operates on) says this shit is amazing! My pats fan says... lost on a fumble?! By Tom Brady!? I think they cancel each other out.

He’s still the GOAT. But yeah that fumble lost them the game. And if you were rooting for the Eagles you would be lying if you didn’t say ‘oh fuck’ after Philly didn’t get the two pointer.

That was Collingsworth and it was a wtf comment as the game was waaaaay better than Justin Timberlake. I say this as a Pats fan. One of the best SB’s ever. I say that as a Pats fan too. And hey Philadelphians, stay safe during tonight’s purge.

Santa’s never coming back.

T.O. was a lot more diplomatic that I would have been. ‘Be a good teammate to your fellow HOFers’ What the fuckin fuck?

I tend to clap a little too long when my team scores....

Well, Mr Timberlake has had 15 frickin years to explain that point. He didn’t and he hasn’t. And the whole outrage over the ‘incident’ was entirely Astroturfed. Every single thing about the incident, at the time, and has been recorded since then, has been stupid. Including this comment.

Well we all know he’s an asshole. A huge asshole.

Trump is a fan of the Patriots because they win. The second they hit the skids, he’s moving his allegiance to another team. Just not Pittsburg, Carolina, The Jets, Denver, Cleveland or Cincinnati.

It was a joke; and clearly I don’t know how to use an oxford comma.

I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten the final jeopardy question. The others... lets make fun of people who don’t know arcane knowledge about a subject that, on the grand scheme of things doesn’t really matter, or is just an intentional diversion from more weighty matters.

Is that Epstein from Welcome back Kotter if the character came to life and also aged in real time from when the show was on the air? Cause that’s what it looks like to me.

So that’s the releasethememo memo! That’s a nothingburger.