
The thought process over here is different though. Germany for example (I’m familiar with it) everyone knows that driving is a privilege, not a right. And they obey the laws that accompany driving. Don’t have a license; don’t drive. Drunk; Don’t drive... Etc.

Friend out there won’t go over 80 on the Dynamometer in fear of getting a ticket for the car SAYING it was going 80.

I was wondering if his ego would even let him resign.

You are correct. He was impeached for lying under oath when he said he didn’t have sexual relations with her.

They could do IP tagging as well.


I watched a guy in the parking lot once walking around with jumper cables asking people to jump him. No one would say yes. We’re so used to so many people begging for money in parking lots where I live, so I didn’t even think twice either when I said no.

“My friend’s car was stolen and they straight told him, we aren’t looking, if it turns up it turns up and you might get it back. Then they wrote him a ticket because his car had been running and he wasn’t in it. (He is not wealthy or influential).”

I’ve noticed this as well. We started using Shipt (Grocery Delivery) and every time (5 times so far) we’ve used it, the person delivering has a brand new car with paper tags still. The last one had Uber and Lyft stickers too.

And not a single person went over to see if she was okay and/or even try and stop her from leaving!

Never heard of them before. Just looked, there is one location in my city.

We opt for $0 deductible on comprehensive (animal, weather related and non-vehicle related collisions).Only a few dollars difference a month.

They would need to have a level 4 / 5 option in one vehicle.


This doesn’t feel like a racing game.

The PS4 (Pro) doesn’t have 4K HDR playback though.

I know this is going to get lost in the other posts, but why the hell not.

I’ll second you on the Mazda comment. Only because I had an RX-8 and went to a 13' Speed3. Hoping that it was going to be a stepping stone / stop gap until the RX Vision / RX-9 came out. That dream died quick.

I bought a lifetime sub to this game.