
"Geek cred"? Your kidding, right? The only people I consider geeks now are those who don't game or like super hero flicks. Most everyone I know (guys and girls) are into them both. Now every time some says "yea, I don't game, I can help but thinking "wow, what an F'n weirdo."

Here are some points of why it should come to the west

"we'll bang, okay?"

i care about none of these things

Fuk Iphones!

Someone should tell him he needs to hurry up and get in line for the ps4 already! I mean...that thing will be out over there in like only 5 months!!!! looks like someone peed on it...the colors are all yellowed out.

Wow, there are a few things in this article, that as a male, under 30, really irritate me. There are mentions about being "young and fresh faced" and the comment about being "only 22" as well as other examples like missing the memo and emailing the developers only to be completely ridiculed....I'm sure that you have

seriously, i've come back to this article so many times because this video instantly just makes my day.

bringing back new metal .. what in the actual...

Yes...we are the internets.

Seriously....teemo should die

i used to be SO hardcore on board with Windows 8. The UI seemed to be uncomplicated and simple, but unfortunately, even as a huge supporter of it initially, i hate to say, it sucks. it looks like from this video, there are even more tiles scattered everywhere so if you hated the last xbox dashboard, you will

so you can only get these if you have photoshop cs5? am i understanding this correctly?

uuugh....i dont like the hand tenticales. i feel like getting HJs from them would be weird. :-/

not sure if i will play it since my mind cannot comprehend...but the video was fun. thanks.

"I thIIInk this is a puzzle game?"

well....i kind of took it as games consoles or buying games in general has become as common throughout the week as having peanut butter, bread and eggs on your grocery list.... like...can't go grocery shopping without picking up a new game...

am i close?

What did I just read?

wow, so weird. Just saw a recent pic of James Franco. Looks like he got a replacemtn for the one he cut off. That prosthetic arm looks really real!


THESE are the turtles!

Great game, regardless of what the haters say.