PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls)

I want that hat for work meetings

The weird thing is even though Porter’s ensemble isn’t the norm, looking at him, he seems like a healthy, symmetrical handsome human being. Junior, however, just seems off. His outfit, hair, and beard follows trends, and he looks put together, but there’s something about him that feels wrong and intensely awkward. It

God, he’s aggressively stupid. Aggressively.

I want a hat like this that I wear open by default and which I then close slowly (while maintaining a deadpan expression, natch) when people are bothering me

So perhaps it’s the wake-and-bake, but I literally have no clue why he’s even using this? Why is he using Billy’s mind-blowing fabulousness to describe “me” when he’s talking about the kids of politicians (not that his pos father is really a politician)? Is it about the hat?

Dear whoever took this video/picture: Please send Donny Jr. a cease and desist letter, k, thx, bye.

How dare you besmirch the good name of Jareth, The Goblin King!

He’s at least got to burn a little, where do you think he gets that evil orange hue? Definitely not any shade of non-hellfire induced fake tan I can think of.

Having recently beat my head agsinst the wall interacting with a young gay woman who insisted on deriding ‘SJWs’ and dismissed addressing casual sexism embedded in everyday culture as a ‘free speech’ issue that apparently sets back real women’s rights, you have no idea how relieved I am to read your post.

If it’s not about Bernie, it’s always passive aggressive.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that some of them are barely out of the teenaged years.

Gah this site. I just hate-read it now for senseless joy at the stupidity.

Throw the baby out with the bathwater, like we (cisgendered ww) have done every time.

“Show us on the doll in the room where it happened.”

I’m about 3/4 convinced that the entire Iran murderbot thing was Trump trying to throw Bolton a bone to shut him up.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d gladly take the woman who dances like nobody’s looking over the guy who gropes like nobody cares six days a week, and twice on Sunday.

Most newspaper endorsements don’t move the needle, but this one in particular typically results in a 3-4 point bump for the candidate that wins. It may not be enough to get her a win, but it would get her to viability, and therefore delegates, which would cement her in the top tier of candidates.

I’m sure there are eleventy million contradictory polls and pundits galore, but I’ll be curious to see how NH plays out. Bernie on one side (geographically) in VT, and Warren on the other in MA. (I’m in MA, which is one of the many reasons I’m ride or die for Warren. I’ve voted for her before, and I would really like

I would be satisfyingly amused if Liz Warren won the Iowa caucuses despite being down in the polls. 

Okay, it’s even better from the side angle that I saw because you see her feet kick around in a jig, but can this fuckin’ nerd please be our president? PLEASE.

Seriously, what’s so special about Iowa that they get to set the stage for the whole country, anyway?