Perry Downing

Mostly off handouts from my parents (who are not wealthy - just super frugal). Her husband is an over the road trucker, so that brings in some money, but not enough to allow her to stay home without my parents subsidizing her. It's super-frustrating to watch her take advantage of them -I know they are grown adults who

Wow, I would not care that you do not vaccinate your children because they are special snow flakes but you are putting other kids at risk for these diseases because you don't think your kids need immunization. Also, even if you build your children's immunity, all of the other children with ACTUAL diseases and not just

As the parent of a four month old you and your non-internet searching can fuck off. Sick visits are expensive and polio, measles, and other diseases covered by vaccines the CDC recommends are frightening and preventable.

You're a bad mother and a bad human being. I hope you contract rabies.

I've always wondered, how do people like that attain enough financial security to live and eat? Does she live off of a trust fund or her husband? Ne'er-do-wells fascinate me. I couldn't function if I didn't have a steady paycheck, but the world seems full of these human squirrels just run around pointlessly,

Someone writes a 7 word statement expressing an opinion.

It's weird right? Because the other anti-pharma nuts claim that Big Pharma could cure cancer, AIDS, insert disease of choice here anytime they want but choose not to because there is no money in it.

So making the MMR vaccine and NOT making an AIDS vaccine somehow both vast money making conspiracies.

It actually wins me a bit over into the "Miley Fan" camp...

Well now I feel like a dumbass. Thanks for the info.

Of course he didn't forbid any future jokes about it. The next week, Madonna concluded her performance of "Bad Girl" by shouting "Fight the real enemy!" and ripping up a picture of Joey Buttafuoco. It killed.

I didn't care for the Wrecking Ball video or song, but this is awesome.

I detest Miley, but this skit was the highlight of the show. Funnier than hell.

I'm guessing that the only reason that Miley didn't use SNL as a platform to get at Sinead is because Lorne Michaels forbade it. He was famously angry at Sinead for her unapproved anti-Catholic stunt; I imagine he would forbid any future jokes about it. Acknowledging the event allows Sinead to win. Even though

That is so appalling. My dad had three siblings die of whooping cough, and my grandmother I'm sure would have KILLED for a safe, simple vaccine to save their lives. And now people are CHOOSING to let their kids get it?! Surely that has to fall under the heading of child abuse.

To those who have been agnostic about vaccines (for lack of time or lack of money):

Ugh. I just found out that my stupid, stupid sister is an anti-vaxxer. Our mom let it slip in conversation. She homeschools her kids (questionably, I might add) and I honestly believe she's anti-vaccination out of a combination of laziness and special snowflake syndrome (she's never had a job for more than a few

I hate Miley , but I loved this

I was COMPLETELY prepared to hate it, but it was fabulous in every way. She gets the MB crazyeyes down like nobody's business.

I can't wait to hear why people, who would otherwise find this hilarious, hate it because of Cyrus.

I hate everyone who doesn't vaccinate their children. I firmly believe that public health trumps individual preferences in this case.