HAHAHA you nut, I think we just broke Kinja LOL
HAHAHA you nut, I think we just broke Kinja LOL
Dude. V05 and Suave shampoo LITERALLY costs 99 cents. Literally. If you cannot afford to spend 99 cents more often than every 8 months then I...you have much bigger problems here.
Yeah, we don't specifically share razors, but I've used his before and vice-versa. We take showers together too, so I might just be gross.
I have no problem using my husband's razor if I'm out of blades. We use nearly identical razors anyway. Once, while on vacation, I dropped my toothbrush behind the toilet and decided I'd way rather use my husband's for one night. I wouldn't do it on a regular basis, but I'm fine if it happens here and there.
Plot twist - they're just roommates.
I'm gonna be real, I use whichever razor in the shower has the newest blade on it. But I don't share toothbrushes with my husband, at least not intentionally. He does occasionally forget which is his.
The only argument I can come up with is that it leaves a rental fallow during the transition, but... that's about it.
Mr. Powell needs to actually look at the data his own industry sources provide for him. The NAA (Newspaper Association of America) suggests that nearly 40% of newspaper subscribers are high school or less in terms of education attainment. Oops. Picking on the uneducated dumb-dumbs might not be the right course of…
"The attitude of "oh, well, you put yourself out there; get used to rape threats, then" is regressive, harmful and silencing."
I really want to be sympathetic, but the examples seem more like Dave Eggers fictionalizing things that happened in real life, which Losse wrote about first. I'm sure that if you read any number of accounts of employees working at Facebook or other tech startups there would mentions of getting passwords, Friday…
It's not all bad. Just don't marry one of them.
Speaking from experience, it can make you lose lots of respect for your father, if you had any to begin with.
Next, on Lifetime Movie Network...
Reading about anyone's search for the perfect significant other is bad. Like when reading women's dating website profiles where they want a 6'8'' man who makes 200k a year who can cook, clean, and does romantic things every 15 minutes.
I find it difficult to believe that submissive women are hard to find in Utah.
Dammit you beat me to it. I started to write, "I look forward to watching their episode of "Snapped" on Oxygen.
I wonder how that six year old feels about it. Or, I guess, will feel about it, once she's older, and understands the implications behind things like Russian Mail-Order bride stereotypes and such.
I've seen Law and Order SVU enough times to know how this will play out.