Nice article. I think you vastly over rate the British heavies though while slamming Wilder for fighting just a different bunch of tomato cans.
Nice article. I think you vastly over rate the British heavies though while slamming Wilder for fighting just a different bunch of tomato cans.
This is awful. Repubs did this. Repubs knew and did nothing to fix it as they poisoned a city. Better than Isis could have dreamed.
Can you imagine what would happen if Isis managed to poison a city of 100k? Instead it was just another day at the club foe republic leaders
Thats not the same as destroying western civ. And that’s not the same as actually controlling any countries.
I guess. But, I think you give the average terrorist way too much credit. Most either can’t get a job or sex. And they’re angry abt it.
With a baby? Fly Jet Blue. No question.
The NBA hasn’t made a profit in 5 yrs? That is insane.
I’m sure the execs know. But you’re right that the number is very large and is totally responsible for the explosion of growth.
It doesn’t work if leagues want revenue to increase. They need all the people who don’t watch yet still pay for ESPN in their basic cable bill.
I don’t think so. They’ll just lock out the players. And win. They always do.
Doesn’t work. they need the folks who don’t watch yet still have ESPN in the basic cable package.
Eh. The games all still sell out for the most part. Its all abt getting money from people who don’t watch but still have ESPN on their basic cable bill.
That’ll kill the leagues. There’s not enough hard core fans to support that for any league - if they wish to keep the same revenues. They need the carriage fees that non-watchers pay to make it work.
No it doesn’t. All those videos of the crazy Iranians saying death to America - all propaganda. You’ve fallen for the same on this side.
Its a one man team bc he ran the best player off.
Someone like Durant, perhaps?
Just Mort.
We are and have been energy independent for years.
That’s rather mass-murdererly of you.
There is so much wrong with this. Just one, none of the groups you mentioned are bent on destroying Western Civ. One more, Isis and the ayatollah are on opposite sides.