
That’s nothing, I hear he’s considering that cardboard cutout of Ted Danson From ‘Three Men and a Baby’ everybody thought was a ghost to be the head of Health and Human services.

I get that the stadium is a super bad deal but I could have done with out the MLS bashing Hot Taeks. Especially considering y’all didn’t write one article on the amazing series Toronto-Montreal turned out to be. Guess high-energy, good quality soccer with an intense geopolitical rivalry doesn’t fit the narrative of

Liberals, arm yourselves. By the time you realize you need one it will be too late.

well, most men are completely unnecessary and I can’t say it wouldn’t be a good start to solving a lot of the world’s problems.

Typical cuck liberals, trying to ban the real world. What’s going to happen to your precious daughter when she winds up on Westeros and can’t recognize a princeling is going to rape her if she goes into his castle?

And yet the founding fathers did not, even when it happened in their time. Interesting.

You must not have been alive in 2000 or you are a troll or monumentally unobservant.

And the rules clearly state electors can choose whoever damn well they please and have done so in the past including during the time the framers were alive, so if it were a problem they would have fixed it.

What deomcracy? The last two Republican presidents have been elected have categorically appointed against the will of the people. This is not about voter suppression. This is not about machine rigging. Plain and simply more people voted for the opponent.

So is ‘cucked’ the new sex thing right wingers are desperate to project onto others? I get that dems were ‘gay’ for a long time because of all the closeted republicans desperate to deflect, but since that’s been normalized, is it just that right wingers now have deep seated desires to be plowed or see their wives

You know, I voted for Dems, and fought and protested for others for over 25 years and for what? This is the America the people I tried to help want. Let ‘em have it. They can go fuck themselves.

All of this is so utterly pointless and meaningless. World temps rose 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit this year alone. Let the garbagepersons waste their time and energy trying to convince the world Hillary Clinton is a pedophile. Buys me more time to prepare for the coming world where we can probably feed, at best 2 billion

It wasn’t 538's fault they couldn’t predict Russian tampering with vote machines and wide-scale voter intimidation.

I mean how else can you explain electing a WWE entertainer and his eastern-European lesbian escort wife to the oval office?

Why can’t the poor just be like the two Boston Grads who are disrupting the auto insurance industry?