

T ime

i have the Jay Marrioti nudes

Everyone knows this is just a ripoff of the Jetsons

I drive drunk all the time

I voted for,

“I put a bullet in a seagull’s head

“I messed my best pair of JNCO’s

I follow Shea Hillenbrand to his car

I “traded” my sons for Jeff Suppan and now I am in contention.

I’ve heard of Jon Leicester, but this is ridiculous.

My cousins have turned to sand

“Our world is about to change” was a reference to 9/11. Glacier was a prescient dude.

Horses riding dogs

My father and I kissed under a photograph of the Steve Guttenberg.

Dad-fucking off brand Lisa Kudrow imitation.

Yeah the key is really to just suspend critical thinking and reserve judgement until, oh I don’t know, five or ten years down the line, when it’s too late. Also, let’s not judge him too harshly at that point either, cause it takes a village, you know? I mean, if you think about it people didn’t skip when Obama was

He’ll always be his Dugout characterization in my heart

Eggs, blood, baby teeth and shame

J ust