
Look, we all have our different viewpoints on this controversial and sensitive issue. All I’m saying is that there are fine people on both sides of the debate, very, very fine people, and a lot of them have said that a lot of what is put out about the dates and— and when the Yale was founded, is not true. It is

Psst, I think we’re seeing Poe’s law in action here.

That was my takeaway and how I presented it to my rather conservative mom (who for some reason is stuck on Ford going to parties). “Well, he started out by screaming for half an hour, and then he started interrupting and back-sassing senators, and there was some rambling on about conspiracy theories...” “Oh... that’s

Good question. I’d like to add: Should Supreme Court Justices need notes from their lawyers reminding them not to answer questions with a question? He’s literally being assessed, and answered a question about getting black out drunk like a fucking child, only to be handed a note from his lawyer, and then apologized

Wait, no, I just looked it up and apparently he puts ketchup on his spaghetti, and in the context of that statement, I think he was saying spicy foods make him vomit, which is why he puts ketchup on pasta?

He seems to really enjoy drinking beer for someone with such a sensitive stomach, though. I was disappointed that

I hear you, but if Trump supporters like the Q idiots and the Pizza-gate guy had access to congressional Dems addresses, I’m sure something horrible would have happened by now.

All his raping and assaulting aside (cuz yeah, that’s how insane our world is, that that isn’t enough to dismiss someone and we still have to listen to these assholes) how on earth could anyone think he comported himself during this hearing in a manner befitting a Supreme Court Justice? He looks fucking incompetent

“An FBI investigation?! How dare you Senator! I have yelled and whined and cried before you today! My daughter has prayed for the lying slut! Therefore, my innocence is proven beyond any question! Good day, sir!”

Holy SHIT why?

the fuck is wrong with people

What a disaster.

Not to insinuate too deeply, but he strikes me as someone who’s a smarmy dick to his wife. Is it just me?

Compelling evidence that he’s definitely not a belligerent drunk amirite?

Replaced by any of the other candidates from the last election?”

“But this person does not perceive how fucked we are with Trump at the helm of our government.”

Apparently my ex’s dad collects all of Trump’s speeches. He prints them out, puts them in a binder, and the re-reads and highlights passages to ‘track’ the ‘over-arching themes’ of Trump’s ‘doctrine,’ of which my ex’s dad is a big fan.

That’s because he’s a fucking ignorant moron and has no idea what a Kurd is. 

He sure knows his criminal definitions

Stephen Miller probably calls the concentration camps he’s designing “con camps,” so Trump thinks the two things are somehow related.