Peeing On R. Kelly

I think it wasn’t that great, except for the drones and killing bits, and the Zodiac Killer. Like, the world knows now. Apart from that, too many one liners, not enough build. Not surprising that no one laughed, a white crowd fangirling on Obama isn’t the best place to make those jokes. As the Guardian reflected

how do places like mexico, brazil, and other latin/south american countries compare?

Yes, Kim is the definition of kind.

Dont kid yourself. It is about votes. Each party looks for large voting blocks to call their own.

Hands down every fight I’ve seen since 2009 some idiot yells world star.

fuck worldstar

I don’t have an issue with non-violent felons getting their voting rights back. But convicted murders, pederasts, kidnappers, wife beaters and rapists? Resounding no.

A couple girls kill another girl and boys are “shit”?

I don’t know that budget had much to do with - or could have prevented - a crime like this unless there were permanent bathroom monitors, and even then, this looks and sounds premeditated.

I can’t think of any school that has security guards in the bathroom. How would more staff help? Plus, that seems like a wild violation of privacy. I’d imagine this had very little to do with budget.

Maybe somewhat. But let’s not take any responsibility off the girls who savagely jumped her. No parent should have to receive a call that their little girl was murdered in a high school fight. If you’ve seen some of these fight videos that you find online it’s so brutal how some people will keep on bashing someones

Pretty impressed at how fast you spun this story into a school underfunding issue. So: Blame #1: underfunding. Blame #2: fragile anatomies. Nowhere: the pieces of shit who beat her.

6 girls planned to beat the shit out of their classmate. This wasn’t a sad accident. This was murder.

Make no mistake about it, The BMW driver was in mortal peril by three men in body armour giving him a beatdown. Anyone with a handgun in the vicinity would have had the legal right to shoot them even without them approaching the person holding the gun, or threatening them in any way. No jury in Florida would convict

intentionally engages others

What part of there was a vehicle accident did you not understand? He was intentionally engaging them because they just caused an accident just like you intentionally engage someone that rear ends you by pulling over and exchanging information.

And without that gun, you might still be on the ground getting the shit beat out of you by 3 guys in body armor and metal/carbon fiber/hard plastic gloves.

Pulling a gun seems more than reasonable given the circumstances. The car driver may have said tough words, but never got physical. He then got 3 guys hitting him and as we saw from the New York “debacle,” you never know how far people will go. Could have been a couple punches or those guys might have beat him to near

Just a reminder folks; you may be a tough mofo but people can and do legally carry guns and a gun is the ultimate equalizer. Looks like this was Florida and that’s a will issue state* and a stand your ground state**. Had one of those riders turned towards her threateningly she could have legally shot and killed him

“I want to stress one thing: these guys aren’t motorcyclists, they’re assholes on motorcycles. And there’s absolutely a difference.”