
“Tim Tebow Saves First Base For Marriage”

Eight wins in the front, four losses in the back.

No one, save idiots, believes the confederate flag to be a symbol of anything other than slavery and racism. History and heritage are convenient excuses for morons, but most of them don’t even believe those claims. It’s just cover.

Jill Stein is not the solution to your issues with Clinton. Get involved with local politics.

lol what an uneducated piece of shit you are. I swear, fucking white people sometimes...

Not fair. His religious beliefs prevent him from to getting to third. Much less home.

Can’t I just sell Russia my credit card number directly?

His Christmas card this year is literally just going to be a screen shot of that paragraph.

Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.

Aw, someone didn’t read!

Amelia Cook obviously tried to make as clear as possible that she doesn’t think that the artists should be unable to freely express themselves or that anime has to change to accommodate her opinions. She only wants to express her opinion, which is shared by many others. What’s the harm in that?

I honestly DO understand how you could think what you are saying is right, but you are essentially asking people to stop discussing art. It is very clearly stated that there is no advocation of censorship, mere discussion shouldn’t be able to end art.

As far as I know, Leonardo never painted an underage girl almost being molested by a tentacle monster, so I don’t really support your comparison with his work...

Great interview! It’s upsetting that Amelia has to so blatantly (and repeatedly) state that she’s not advocating censorship. I expect there to be quite a few comments that cry censorship at her though.

In his defense, removing himself from her life forever was one way to cure her of a cancer.

Normally I am not a fan of reboots but this new version of Twins seems pretty promising.

Billy, that is a lot of excitement over amir volley.

hmm.. so that’s what howard dean’s been up to.

Excellent work by Howard Dean on the camera.

Couldn’t happen to a more worthy minor item of landscaping.