
Having a camera attached to you should only be for helping catch drivers that harmed you, not fucking stalking people.

I was all ready to side with the biker until I watched the video. He gets her to pull over and tells her he’s going to follow her wherever she goes unless she drives to the police station and turns herself in. That’s called harassment, and it’s worse than texting and driving.

ProTip: If you spill half of something and it looks like you pissed yourself, just dump the other half somewhere that makes it clear you didn’t.

Million dollar idea: Retrofit kits to have normal fucking doors on this silly car. Put the standard falcon doors back on before you sell it because the fool who buys a second hand Model X will want to use them for a week or two before getting tired of them and retro-retrofitting the normal doors back on again.

Finally! Real “Scissor doors”!

CCTV captured his licence plate

That’s how you park when you don’t give a fuck!

pretty sure that scratch came from not using turn signals a few weeks ago.

I strap down everything except the first aid kit, so that when I collide with a wall like that it conveniently flies directly into the back of my head and I can get right to work patching up any surviving family members. I’ve always been a planner

Found the express lane!

I thought of this becasue I’m not right in the head.

It could of got hit from an oncoming car....

This person too

Jesus, people are insufferably stupid, oblivious, and inconsiderate. I’m pretty sure I saw this same family the following week coming to an abrupt, dead stop to check their map immediately atop a Penn Station escalator.

sweet baby jesus

The Darwin family couldn’t believe their luck. They had the slope all to themselves! Here they are skiing and taking pictures.

Here’s a good one from today on the same exact ramp



Yup, that face . . . . who can love a face so bland and devoid. This is the mild taco sauce of trucks. Nobody needs that boring shit. If I’m getting sauce I want it to burn, same goes for my truck. It should ride like dog shit and look pissed all the time.