
According to the Times a good percentage of Russian prostitutes were on the payroll of the KGB. Someone has to do the interviewing.

I’m okay with your conjectures about Putin, DoobyOne, because he’s a public person, but I don’t think the citizens of any nation deserve to be called garbage-people. Russians old enough to remember life before 1989 grew up in a very difficult political and social environment.

“I don’t think the simplest solution is that it never happened.”

“How the fuck you think he found out about all the tiny cameras in hotel rooms?”

Bat populations in the Northeast are being reduced by a fungus that sometimes causes them to wake up or fly in the winter, when they should be hibernating, using up fat stores in their bodies. If you see bats sleeping, soundlessly mouth the words “thank you” and tip toe away quietly.

I think you’re right, Bottle, with one note: both Ronald Reagan and GW Bush (before 9/11) were able to take it easy while president, including long vacations to the ranch, because they had staffs of capable professionals (politics aside) and listened to their counsel. If the Prez-elect doesn’t assemble a professional

Some members of the business community are looking forward to reduced regulations and enforcement, and may hope that reduced taxes will spur investment. But you know what the business community and the markets — and insurance companies — hate? Unpredictability. We are entering the Twilight Zone.

On any given night I might be a fifth of Scotch.

Musician’s rant: bars with live music would rather book a cover band than an unknown original band because customers know what they’re going to hear and go for the familiar. Could be the exact same personnel but if they slap on a cover band name they get gigs.

Sandhuskies doesn’t know the expression grasping at straws because he is a Russian operative. Pretends to be a friend by saying he didn’t vote for Trump and doesn’t like him. Tries to make commenters on this site look like, well, to use his words, a circle jerk. To anyone who knows how the real world works, the

Bull Moose, take your OT rant elsewhere. Clinton is not the president elect.

“Politics runs fast at times.”

Okay Steve is a Russian operative. Creation of a fake persona (“I was against Trump until I saw how you people openly mock...”), typical sophism based on false equivalence and claims of hypocrisy. Escalating dudgeon about jack-booted Democrats trying to hang onto power. The reason you can’t start a business is that

I don’t know anything about the Rossum negotiations but this is how negotiations work: party A wants more than 100 and asks for 120. Party B is willing to go as high as 100. There is a standoff until the parties agree to 100. The fact that 100 is also the number for parity with Macy makes it easier for both sides to

It helps if you have no one to call you on the carpet and fire you for lying.

He’ll say the people staying home are marching for him by not going to the million women march.

“Really great seeing all the jokes in the comments...”

White people wait... until they can have sex on 400-thread count sheets.

It was not reporting. It was an invitation to a conversation. In which some people would lose their shit and other people would laugh at them. Do you really not understand that?

These are horrible. I’d rather swill wine right out of the bottle. And I like cats.