
The Russians have taught me to reserve judgment on every awful thing I see on the internet.

What if being a rich white lady didn’t disqualify you from having ideas, like creating the SPUG campaign to give workers cover for not spending two weeks’ salary on their bosses? Rich white ladies weren’t smarter than working class mothers but, like the celebrities of today, they had a bully pulpit to spread the word.

Well said, Capers. As for Baio: “Scott, your candidate hasn’t won yet but will probably win the electoral vote. Now sit down and let the adults talk. Among other things, we’ll discuss, not what you call the ‘antics of Russia,’ but the threat of cyberwarfare on the U.S. political process and other U.S. interests.

I once overheard a young person saying into his hand-held mobile phone: “Mom, you don’t have to leave a voicemail saying you called. I can see that I missed your call.” His unsolicited advice to someone else influenced my phone calling behavior for the better. Maybe someone reading this post, which you prefer to call

“Normal people haven’t worn hats since JFK was president.”

Wow, Giz. First you take an undefined term, “well-adjusted,” and then you estimate, within a 5 percentage point range, the number of women in the world who are well-adjusted. Solid work.

Phoenilicity’s piece of satire/bitter clueless ignorance works as well if you switch “men” to “women” and vice versa. Except maybe “Men if you even breath[e] wrong you’re sexually harassing a woman” would have to be changed to “Women if you even breathe wrong you’re asking to be sexually harassed by a man.”

I see Manson as head of the CIA or other spy agency.

It feels as though accusations of sexual or domestic abuse have lost their power to shock, like too many hot peppers in one meal. Our President-elect has normalized it, and now he and the other abusers he surrounds himself with can bask in a collective glow of dignity and respect. That? Boys will be boys. Now, if you

We are witnessing a case study in a corrupt, incompetent federal administration. Remember Tammany Hall, from the bad old days before we learned better? This will be far more impressive.

A-and, they take away your guns!

Maybe someone should show Welch the reportage of an event he is highly familiar with — his shooting up of a pizzeria and arrest — comparing lamestream media reporting to sources like Alex Jones and see which ones he finds more accurate. Of course it could backfire. “Holy crap, I was a false flag operation and didn’t

You had health coverage before but now don’t because of the ACA? Weird! But if it’s true, you’ll have 30 million or more people to commiserate with soon.

My hat’s off to you. Maciver; you’ve worked hard for your success. A lot of people who believe in fair wage and hour laws and the right to organize to negotiate with business owners also worked their way through high school, college and beyond, have paid off student loans and have responsible jobs in or at the top of

I don’t hate Trump; I just want him to retire to a double-wide on the Florida Panhandle where he can be around his friends and I never have to hear his name spoken again.

When do you take the fifth bath? Bath when you wake up, check. Bath before lunch, because designing clothes can make you sweaty. Bath after afternoon aerobic session so you’re fresh for dinner. Bath in the evening after offering up your hindquarters/before bed. Where does the fifth bath fit in?  You also need a

What is it conservative Christians said about our woman-abusing president elect? Sometimes the Lord uses a flawed person to accomplish a good result. And Stein hasn’t even done anything illegal as far as we know. Whatever her motive, let’s see how far she can take this.

When I went to work this morning it was sunny and mild but by afternoon it had turned colder. So I guess the climate changed back today?

The word wasn’t used in the headline as an ejaculation (sorry) or interjected extraneous modifier; it was part of a colorful and descriptive verb formation. it made the giraffe look like a tough guy. So it did make things more interesting.

Whatever else was going on with that couple, it was clear they had a big communication problem if they didn’t even know they both liked piña coladas.