
Can we distinguish between men having an opinion on what is sexism and convening a panel of men to talk about sexism? Men are perfectly capable of forming rational thoughts on the nature of sexism. In fact we depend on that to help create a world with less sexism. It is obviously a failure to convene a panel of only

“Has this world felt surreal to you lately? ... Have you felt increasingly open to the possibility that we’re approaching the final climax of the computer simulation we’ve been living in all along...?”

There are approximately 1 million books, fiction and non-fiction, about heterosexual marriage. Even if there are a few other books out there on Emily Witt’s topic, is she not permitted to explore it her way? I wonder whether, BabyGotFront, your problem is not boredom but the fear of confronting what Witt wants to talk

Let me summarize the message: “Shaina, they bought their tickets! They knew what they were getting into!”

“Let’s react to what he does as President.” Out of nowhere, a reasonable statement, that might have started an interesting discussion before “butthurt” happened. Response: he’s not president yet, but he’s named Bannon as chief strategist and Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, so the direction of the administration is

I pity you for your pathetic formulaic trolling but I hate you for “stuanchy”.

Even worse, it reveals the mindset of the white collar class, that thinks a white collar criminal suffers enough if they’ve just been accused of a crime. I don’t believe Hillary has committed a crime (and I like her besides), but if you were convinced she had committed a crime, the reason not to prosecute would be

“everybody gets free Sabra hummus.”

There might also be some cultural benefits from the opposition to the new administration: think 60s music and movies. Get yer motor runnin’, get out on the highway. In the year, 2525. There’s a man with a gun over there. Are you going to San Francisco? Be sure to wear a flower in your hair. Come on people now, smile

Anyone remember when Jimmy Carter was criticized for going over the schedule of tennis times at the White House tennis courts? A president can’t permit his attention to be too divided. The current president-elect could find himself fighting wars on a thousand different fronts. Perhaps everyone should pick a fight with

I’m with Bill. When I had a back injury last year I could hardly walk but I could cycle 50 miles. I never wanted to get off the thing. Raised handlebars are key.

Trump will be supported in every way by his staff. He will adjust to living in the White House the way other people adjust to 4 years in the Big House. Eventually he will fall into the rhythm of attending meetings, pretending to understand, and selecting one choice out of the three presented to him on any issue — the

Meet your fellow Americans, even in the reddest states. Take the time to talk to them about things other than politics. Be polite. Learn something and leave a good impression.

I resent being called a dumbass but even more than that I resent being told that Hillary was fucking awful. She ran with grace, intelligence and organization. She won the popular vote. She was up against a cartoon villain with a disorganized campaign and the political equivalent of a get-rich-quick scheme. People fall

They’re 30, not 13 or even 20. At some point people are adults and complaining about age differences in other people’s relationships is just ageism.

“Can’t find a silver lining anywhere...”

One biographer suggested he might actually have been in love with Alice’s mother but that it was less scandalous for him to hang around with a young girl than a married woman. Alice was a way to be near the person he loved.

I don’t have anything to say about Beck except that he sold a lot of gold to rubes based on a combination of bad economic prognostication and profit-proof investment vehicle, so you might as well leave me in the grays.

Even if it just said “Don’t punch women or people who are smaller and weaker than you.”

Why does it have to be gendered? Can’t it just look like a Dust-Buster?