
Joe Blow.

Without actually knowing any facts, I am going to theorize that they keep getting paid their base salary. In other words, if your base salary is 100K and by July you’ve earned 60K in overtime, you continue to get your salary for the rest of the year but no overtime.

Quadpole mentioned money laundering for terrorists but perhaps this was a different kind -- money laundering for drug dealers who get cash and need to turn it into checks. She could have issued checks from her made up business’s account, grossed up with the money she got from the sorority, and taken drug dealer cash

So, not Top Cat?

I can see why people might not have believed this story. There’s just way too much going on.

“Do Trump and his surrogates not realize that constantly defending against these accusations actually hurts him?”

Led-piped it.

Mmmmm... the Wendy’s girl. She always left me wanting more. Gone, I think?

She’s a child who doesn’t want recently divorced mom to go out and have any fun. Then at the end (spoiler alert), after she gets used to not being irritable, she sees how cute mom’s new boyfriend is and urges her to go for it. Awwww!

I realize you’re a troll who doesn’t need to keep a scorecard but here’s mine on DJT:

Tolerance. Yes indeed. Yesterday when I was on the shuttle from Times Square to Grand Central and a budding rap performer decided he was going to gift us with a loud rap that would drain everyone’s attention from what they would have preferred to think about, did I yell at him and tell him to shut up and leave us

This is an excellent example of a story that shouldn’t be repeated. It has no news value and is impossible to label as true or false. She’s not running for president. It could be typical of her conversation or a one-time dip into nasty that she regretted immediately. This, my friends, is the reason why gossip was said

If you hadn’t been in the grays it would have saved me the trouble of making the same droit de seigneur comment. Here’s hoping you get promoted out.

I don’t think it was seeing partially dressed women that gave him a thrill per se; it was the feeling of droit de seigneur, that as the owner of the beauty contest he owned them.

“It’s very weird to me to use another culture as emblematic of some sort of ‘fighting spirit.’”

In fact an argument could be made that even in a long-term relationship, spontaneously grabbing a clothed woman by the pussy is unacceptable in the absence of an engraved invitation, and when naked in expectation of sex should be done only with tender care and prior notice. Leaving aside S&M relationships, which

Figuring out what DJT meant may not be possible because he seems to have a radically different concept of meaning and how language relates to reality. However, it is not unfair to guess two things from what he said: (1) he has tried the sexual assault route (i.e., grabbing) a few times and sometimes women let him get

I hate “slippery slope” arguments but I think Ashley’s proposal is an invitation to start down a slippery slope. Once you justify violating a journalistic principle in one case, it becomes easier to justify violating it in other cases. Like, for instance, looking retrospectively, to prevent someone you think,

I am confident Hillary is preparing to debate the hypothetically best Donald Trump, not the worst one.

Maybe I’m too sensitive to plausibility in without-attribution gossip, but what is the shortest period of time that could pass from the time you sent someone to a supermarket - even one nearby -- and the time you finished making the Ore-Ida’s in your kitchen? Even if a chef once served Ore-Idas to DJT to his