
I wonder how many hits #vacantions got?

“Warren Buffet was paying the same amount of taxes as his secretary.”

“Because he’s using the parenthetical phrase as evidence that the adjective is correct.”

My guess: he heard an aide use the phrase “paragon of virtue” the day before and latched onto it.

I would love it if ESPN would get rid of the strike box graphic in broadcasts of baseball games -- or save it for replays. I want to form my own wrong-headed opinions about whether it was a ball or strike and not become reliant on machine measurements. And long interviews in the broadcast booth where they forget about

“Send your official male representative in your place...”

“Listen, you have two different sociopaths debating each other... Trump is... Hilldawg is a machiavellian and will pretty much do or say anything to get into a position of power.”

Even if we elect gun-control friendly majorities in both houses and in the White House, it will be years before gun control laws will make a measurable difference. Gun rights supporters worry about a slippery slope, but we are already at the bottom of a steep slippery slope where the NRA has gotten nearly everything

How did Trump do good? Because MacArther would never have publicly announced a plan to defeat Isis, duh. And getting rid of regulations will bring jobs flowing back into the US. Imagine how many coal mines will open again if mine owners no longer have to protect workers from black lung or mine explosions. American

Half a bottle of scotch and the cat got a treat when Trump was speaking because his voice hurts her ears and she was anxious about the future of our country.

I went door to door getting signatures to put Gary Hart on the ballot. Before he dared reporters to catch him fooling around on the side.

Hannity looks like he could be the new spokesman for Bob’s Discount Furniture Stores (a Northeast thing). Show us how the sofa/recliner with cupholders works, Sean!

If I had a bowl of skittles and told you just three would kill you, would you take a handful?

At some point, if you’re talking about splitting the assets of someone who is the CEO of an empire, you need to split up the empire, sell businesses and give up control to someone you just divorced, so it’s not irrational for someone in that position to oppose a 50/50 split.

I use that exact logic when I hear being gay is a choice. I just assume the drive people feel to be with a person of the same sex is as strong as my desire for people of the opposite sex. It’s not a choice, other than the choice to love whom you want to love.

In a statement, Diego said, “I’m tired... tired of being admired.”

What’s suspicious is not the “evidence of” part but the limited nature of the statement. If I go to my doctor with chest pains he may take tests to see if there’s any evidence that I’ve had a heart attack, and I’m relieved when he says there isn’t. But then he might say: “but one artery is 90% blocked and another is

At the country club costume party, Donald Trump went as a golf ball.

Exactly. He’s so far away from having the temperament and knowledge of the law and human behavior required of a judge that the judicial system is better off without him. Sorry, former judge.

Reports are that he doesn’t drink and never used drugs or alcohol which, in a way, makes me like him even less. Have you heard otherwise?