
Ellen’s was in business before that across the street from City Hall Park downtown.

With his separation (and perhaps future divorce) from Huma Abedin, the last reason to care about Anthony Weiner is gone. Now he’ll just be a guy who used to be a politician and political commentatator who occasionally sexts, a non-story unless you have a strong need to see someone humiliate himself over and over.

Maybe he needs more specific advice, like: Anthony, when you get the urge to send a dick pic, go make yourself a sandwich. Take a picture of the sandwich and post it on Instagram. Eat the sandwich. Now go about your business, knowing that the worst thing that will happen is that someone will snark your stupid sandwich.

Is Christmas canceled? No, but Santa will need that red Mercedes now.

A man doesn’t think with his dick; he obeys its dictates...

If your sexy parts are hidden, men won’t pine for what’s forbidden.

I try to dress nice too but I’ve noticed hardly anyone else wears spats anymore.

Julian Raven may have gotten enlightenment from another set of books. His painting of Trump looks like Doc Savage, the Man of Bronze.

Nothing original, says you! Four monkeys and I came up with this for Chris Christie’s speech:

“Think about having these people making decisions about things that matter.”

No one should use phrases from another person’s speech without permission. Obama and Biden were roundly criticized with varying degrees of justification. Pointing out plagiarism in Melania’s speech now is not hypocrisy. Or are you suggesting that, since other political speechmakers have broken the ice, we should give

Wasn’t there a time when one party’s candidate would go low-key during the other candidate’s convention? Is that kind of courtesy no longer possible in these days when every statement must be answered immediately?

I’m betting all the charms were made in China and the Trump campaign didn’t want to have to explain that for such a small business. She can start the business up again in mid-November — or earlier if she can find a US factory to manufacture them..

So what I’m hearing from Schwartz and Coppins is that Trump is Jay Gatsby and the presidency is the light at the end of the dock. I have a variant theory which, for a change, doesn’t require us to blame any one man other than Trump. Trump really believes that his ideas are better than anyone else’s, because he thought

Lawyers take pride in representing unpopular people and causes. They can ethically represent the devil (“The Devil and Daniel Webster”) as long as they do not use illegal means or facilitate lies. A rich paying client can make a lot of pro bono work possible.

“...if you want to get rid of every single bit of racist entertainment media from 100 years ago...”

Vous avez raison! Je parle Francais comme un cochon malhereux. C’est affreux! Mais, si on a besoin d’ecrire un reponse commerciale, il faut employer un traduceur qui parle votre langue choisit.


I sometimes think there might have been a moment early on when the All Lives Matter slogan could have been co-opted. “Oh, you say it should be All Lives Matter? Great idea. Glad you agree — all lives matter, including black lives. Cuz it doesn’t always seem that way when cops gun down black people for no good reason.

Imagine the poor teenagers having sex for the first time with the exaggerated images of porn in their heads. It would be like letting them watch Fast and Furious before they learn to drive. Oh. Never mind.