Ubisoft needs to take their art director’s lead and make this game.
Ubisoft needs to take their art director’s lead and make this game.
So in this version, the Joker also has to be a black man, right? Some abuse he’s suffered has made him snap and go insane terrorist/bomber against the white establishment. Batman has to stop him while confronting whether his rage is the same as mad murderer Joker’s.
Must be one of them there knockoff Rexes Snake and Otacon were fighting between Solid 1 and 2.
Well, the thing is, at the base level of the Dragon Age cosmology, probably everyone and everything is a spirit from beyond the Veil, because the material plane is probably just a hardened chunk of dreams inside the Fade.
Yes, the bugged version of this quest is actually a good model for the kind of thing we want more of.
You. You and I. We are the same.
Only by writer fiat.
It’s good that they fixed the most important oversight of Far Cry 5.
I wonder why they don’t just let us have a “Display” name that shows up everywhere instead of our account name?
So this will surely be a plot point next episode, right? Caitlyn will notice it’s absence, misconstrue it as being about their fight, and then Reed will be forced to explain that’s been happening to him to explain, right? They can’t just drag it out more, can they?
To be honest, they probably could’ve gotten away with having an installer that copied over the original dialogue if somebody hadn’t asked Bethesda about it. But now they know what the legal limit is, and this is a lot of work to throw away if they get caught and Bethesda is forced to care.
That’s the trick, Bethesda doesn’t care if the game is remade, they just can’t give permission to use the voice audio because of contracts with the voice actors. The script and such they’re find with modders using.
That’s what they, and the Fallout 3 remake team, were planning to do before someone went and asked Bethesda about it and they said no.
The thing about it is this, though: this is not a bug, it’s a feature, and it’s all focused around selling you shark cards. When you try to deliver a gun shipment or a car or some crates, the game purposefully tells the lobby you’re in where you are and that they’ll get some rewards for stopping you. There are no…
I have watched all of AoS, but I can’t always defend it. The biggest mindblower from me is who the hell thought it was a good idea to start a SHIELD show set in the MCU right before you’re about to blow up SHIELD in the MCU? Even still, I see defenders so often saying, “Well, they had to tread water before Winter…
The problem I have when this theory always comes up is that the people who make the mods still have to be able to play them while they develop and test them.
...yeah, where’s a “do not want” gif when you need one. Dragon Age was Bioware’s last bastion of thorough RPGness. I don’t want other people ruining my single player world, I don’t want endless episodic content, and I don’t want an ending that fails to wrap up the conflict so that I can continue playing endlessly,…
I always considered the link to DOOM stronger, in that experiments with teleportation/FTL travel resulted in portals to a hell dimension. Of course, content wise, Dead Space is still a pretty close match.
I think the high concept might be “haunted house, except the house is a space ship.” Of course, it does wander a bit off that premise in the end. Also notable that the cross-shaped design of the ship was supposed to evoke a cathedral.
I will always love the generic Left 4 Dead 2 zombies because of the brilliant gore effects. You hit them with a powerful enough weapon and great big holes would be blown in them, or whole chunks of the body would be torn off. It reminds me of the kinds of gore we’d get in the old days thanks to sprite-based graphics.…