Paul Tatara

Years ago, I made a Dylan compilation tape called "Eventually 23 Dylan Songs," which I thought was very clever of me.

"Born to Run" if we're naming just one. It's a studio song.

Well, the bloops are astonishing, too.

I wouldn't go THAT far.

That's…um…not a particularly good song.

Honest to fucking God, how many "greatest hits" collections can you release?

He's doing astonishing things with beeps.

Franco is the new William Shatner. Thank you for your time.

All the kids at Kent State are buying them.

Every Kevin Smith movie inspires disbelief that it was actually made. Or released.

My friends and I went to see this in high school back in 1979. Halfway through, several of the girls wanted to go see Polanski's "Tess." We didn't leave.

I don't have time to list them. Hit a greatest hits package. It's staggering.

Boy do I hate me some Roger Rabbit.

Donovan shouldn't be listened to just because of his fucking idiotic song titles. The worst in history, by a distance.

In other words, it's a bunch of movie murders with no context so people who like watching movie murders can do so without having to consider why they might be doing it. And the cinematography is great!

Whereas people who aren't celebrities have it DOWN.

On the other hand, they did it, and their accounts were hacked by an asshole. Glad you, on the other hand, are so utterly brilliant you don't have to worry about it.

"Fun House" is better.

This guy lives and John Lennon dies. Mainly because God doesn't exist.

Either that, or he invents the Hula-Hoop and all those circles are references to Hula-Hoops. I'm sure some German philosopher will back me up on this.