Paul Tatara

Billy Zoom has no comment, as usual.


I would be FAR more interested in this if he had sung with actual eels.

He wasn't an asshole. That was poignant.

Then they'll try on funny hats at a store while a Motown song plays.

Jesus Christ. Look at the people pretending.

That and an endless striptease for the fanboys. Soon, everyone will get to see Harrison Ford's leg. He'll be wearing a boot.

Just make the fucking movie.

I've never laid eyes on that guy, and have never seen a single one of those movies or TV shows. So this was fascinating.

Given how the narrative unfolded, they could have inserted those deleted scenes at random and they would have made perfect "sense."

None of the others even approach The Sweet Hereafter, if you ask me.

Look for her in Section Y of the next Nets game.

Well…I don't know if "funny" is the right word.

Meat is an asshole.

I can't believe the director of "Little Nicky" dropped the ball on this!!

Thank you so much for warning me that there will be a 2014 movie season!

How about "Give Us Your Money Again?"

I don't think he did it. But if they can show me video of him doing it, I still won't think he did it.


I…um…don't think there will be much of a need for a call to boycott the film. Look at that picture.