Paul Tatara

Oh my God- he is SO FUNNY!!

There are more than a few Wiseman movies that lack "authorial perspective."  They feel like they'll never fucking end.

This movie doesn't get an A??  Really??

People will sit still for anything when you're famous.

Your first embarrassing story is really well-written in and of itself, Todd.  You have the makings of a short story there.  I'm not kidding.

This is the key episode I remember when I think about this superb series.

"Can't Hardly Wait."  "Answering Machine."  "Sixteen Blue."  "Here Comes a Regular."

They always seemed to go out of their way to fuck up, to the point that it seemed bizarrely pretentious after a while.  I always felt like, if they didn't want to deal with people liking them, they should have gone to work at Burger King.  THAT"S a lot of fun!

I know a lot of people disagree with me, but I think "Pleased to Meet Me" is their best.  Not a weak song on it, and the sound KICKS.

I saw them in St. Petersburg on that tour, and they were fucking great.  I skipped driving to see them in Atlanta when I was in college (in 1984, I think), My roommate went, and they were so shit-faced they only played three songs then had to quit.  That was always part of the dice roll with them.

Both "Tim" and "Pleased to Meet Me," though more cleanly "produced," are in the ballpark of being as good as "Let It Be."  I've always felt that "Let It Be" gets slightly over-praised, as much as I love it.

The best stuff is like an early college radio version of the Stones.  The trick is that they only recorded three (or four) genuinely great albums, and a couple of noisy duds, then that was it.

I don't see a WHOLE lot of the Hold Steady in them, frankly.  Maybe sorta kinda.  But not a lot.

Apparently so.  Yes.

When will Paul and Ringo be re-forming The Beatles?  I mean, you know, with two other guys.

But if this is wordless, how will Gallo be able to reference the size of his dick??

But if this is wordless, how will Gallo be able to mention the size of his dick??

Not unless we also count it as one of Soon-Yi's.

Wait.  Scottish people aren't usually horrified by violence??

So these are the replacement Replacements.