
Won't argue at all against Amiga being ahead of its time for Video production, but I disagree that character generation and such still costs thousands of dollars. There's free software that will do that sort of production available for just about all PC platforms.

Hmmm I must have got it on a promo day. Ah well, it's good

ScribbleBoard is free and does largely the same. Haven't tried both because the free one is good enough.

You should avoid using these on most rooms if your house is heated by forced air. These systems need the air to flow to work. If your forced air system isn't heating the basement, then yeah use one of these. Still I prefer installing a door sweep for such doors because they stay in place nicely and are pretty cheap.

Came to say this, glad to see there's others with better things to do with their time...

Soooooo, basically Lifehacker?

The article didn't live up to the titles expectations, but then again, I'm a pervert.

I think this might even work on water.

I've used part of a wire coat hanger for this. Quite handy.

Not intending to be an internet snark guy here, but this is a pretty common deal. They used an off the shelf product. There's tons of bike pulley storage systems out there for the google-ing.

Apps such as MyFitnessPal or LoseIt can very very helpful in keeping your calorie intake under control. I'd recommend them to anybody looking to shed any amount of weight.

I'm placing all my bets on a new iPod HiFi. Long shot, I know, but I've got a good feeling.

Better for reading or not, I compulsively set the default console colors on any computer I work on to green text on a black background. Old habits...

For a droid, ios, and (I assume) windows phone solution, you could use a qr code that gives the wifi password as text. Copy / paste, connect. Easy peasy

When I had commented the article only stated that some editing was done on a computer, so I just assumed Photoshop, but that only supports my silly little jibe in that two additional programs were used instead of the one I guessed. The article was edited since then to specify the programs used.

Only an iPhone Was Used to Create This Archive of Backyard Wildlife...

That is an impressively bad idea.

Seems they edited the article. When I commented it started off saying there was years of hostility between the companies. So yeah, we're on the same page.

Years of hostility? IBM was making processors for Apple during the last PowerPC days which was not that long ago.

Boulder Rock Club, a climbing gym in Colorado. I did this conversion to my membership card and it works fine. Maybe they could look me up by phone number, but I'll never know because I'd much rather flash my barcode.