
so i guess even jeopardy has a version of the parents who scream insults at little leaguers?

their child molesters what?

please contact a doctor if your erection remains coiled for more than four hours

marlowe stabbed first.


"the merry wives of wedge"

"promissory estoppel" sounds like some sort of horrifying throat disease.

plus, you just gave them an infection that they will never be able to afford to treat.

i too assumed that grumpy cat was an immortal and genderless spirit.

it's fun too, having your character waltz in to a casual conversation completely coated in gore. staring at them. unblinking.

maybe… maybe she was in shock?

i'm thankful that my parents were happy to let me and my sisters play computer games when we were kids, and even play along with us. and since my sisters are coming to visit this weekend, we'll probably be playing some of our old favorites; heroes 3, age of wonders, and civilization. and it will be fun.

that's how i learned what civet cats are, actually.

that's for craft beers, i guess.

even better, i think you'll find that they have 'tude.

budweiser might be in more trouble than they think here. horses are terrifying. those hooves aren't just for trotting.

because she's one of the elder gods, and her abs (and eyes) are without number?

the 90's really were just awful in a lot of different ways

s-s-s-so we're gonna start this show where i yell hashtags louder'n anyone's ever yelled em before. talk about rare!

this redbox changes color the drunker you are