
proteus. i'm a mess of anxiety and panic due to various things, and that games soothes me. i just want to wander and explore, and not have to be afraid of anything.

"my pox may be small, but my love for you knows no bounds"

i remember watching the movie of "a midwife's tale" which, if i remember correctly, depicted someone dying of tb. contrary to the romantic notions in these movies (and in a lot of other fiction, old and new) it was shown as a long, painful, and horrific death.

well, gender constructs are pretty complicated. they've got to get through a lot of built up sexism that blocks the way. but i figure they've got a chance.

maybe they had to find two non-evil ant colonies, since taking just two random non-evil ants wouldn't do much good.

man, just imagine all of those evil ants.

wait, darker?

that's… the same guy, right? or is he so pale as to be invisible?

really? i knew they were finally making a sequel, i didn't know it actually might come out! i am one of those people who really liked dreamfall. and damn it, i really want to know what the hell happened.

knytt stories gave me faith in the idea that user created content can actually be amazing.

thanks! it is the best.

reading this i realize that i can't think of any games i have emotional attachment to that don't have sequels, or which weren't sequels in the first place. ultima 4, 5 and 6 are among my favorite games, but well… they got the numbers right there in the titles.

interestingly, at this point, the market demands non-linear value. "shadow of the small-ossus: this time, they're tiny"

at least he's better off than black shirt glasses guy, who i'm pretty sure is just a cardboard cutout.

shoutout to a winner from my hometown!

ah, but are they doughy and made with lard?

well, now i want a pasty.

what a cheesy joke.

i'm 90% sure i have mine in a box somewhere.

actually, i've still got an old vendex headstart ii running. maybe i should try hooking that old guy up to the internet